Thu, 05 May 2005
14:00 - 15:00
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, nr Didcot
Prof Roger Fletcher
University of Dundee

Current methods for globalizing Newton's Method for solving systems of nonlinear equations fall back on steps biased towards the steepest descent direction (e.g. Levenberg/Marquardt, Trust regions, Cauchy point dog-legs etc.), when there is difficulty in making progress. This can occasionally lead to very slow convergence when short steps are repeatedly taken.

This talk looks at alternative strategies based on searching curved arcs related to Davidenko trajectories. Near to manifolds on which the Jacobian matrix is singular, certain conjugate steps are also interleaved, based on identifying a Pareto optimal solution.

Preliminary limited numerical experiments indicate that this approach is very effective, with rapid and ultimately second order convergence in almost all cases. It is hoped to present more detailed numerical evidence when the talk is given. The new ideas can also be incorporated with more recent ideas such as multifilters or nonmonotonic line searches without difficulty, although it may be that there is no longer much to gain by doing this.

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