Thu, 06 May 2004
14:00 - 15:00
Dr Paul Dellar
University of Oxford

The lattice Boltzmann equation has been used successfully used to simulate

nearly incompressible flows using an isothermal equation of state, but

much less work has been done to determine stable implementations for other

equations of state. The commonly used nine velocity lattice Boltzmann

equation supports three non-hydrodynamic or "ghost'' modes in addition to

the macroscopic density, momentum, and stress modes. The equilibrium value

of one non-hydrodynamic mode is not constrained by the continuum equations

at Navier-Stokes order in the Chapman-Enskog expansion. Instead, we show

that it must be chosen to eliminate a high wavenumber instability. For

general barotropic equations of state the resulting stable equilibria do

not coincide with a truncated expansion in Hermite polynomials, and need

not be positive or even sign-definite as one would expect from arguments

based on entropy extremisation. An alternative approach tries to suppress

the instability by enhancing the damping the non-hydrodynamic modes using

a collision operator with multiple relaxation times instead of the common

single relaxation time BGK collision operator. However, the resulting

scheme fails to converge to the correct incompressible limit if the

non-hydrodynamic relaxation times are fixed in lattice units. Instead we

show that they must scale with the Mach number in the same way as the

stress relaxation time.

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