Thu, 12 Feb 2004
14:00 - 15:00
Dr Markus Melenk
Max-Planck-Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig

It is known for elliptic problems with smooth coefficients

that the solution is smooth in the interior of the domain;

low regularity is only possible near the boundary.

The $hp$-version of the FEM allows us to exploit this

property if we use meshes where the element size grows

porportionally to the element's distance to the boundary

and the approximation order is suitably linked to the

element size. In this way most degrees of freedom are

concentrated near the boundary.


In this talk, we will discuss convergence and complexity

issues of the boundary concentrated FEM. We will show

that it is comparable to the classical boundary element

method (BEM) in that it leads to the same convergence rate

(error versus degrees of freedom). Additionally, it

generalizes the classical FEM since it does not require

explicit knowledge of the fundamental solution so that

it is also applicable to problems with (smooth) variable


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