Thu, 21 Feb 2002
14:00 - 15:00
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, nr Didcot
Dr Alexander Meeraus
GAMS Development Corporation, Washington DC

Algebra based modeling systems are becoming essential elements in the

application of large and complex mathematical programs. These systems

enable the abstraction, expression and translation of practical

problems into reliable and effective operational systems. They provide

the bridged between algorithms and real world problems by automating

the problem analysis and translation into specific data structures and

provide computational services required by different solvers. The

modeling system GAMS will be used to illustrate the design goals and

main features of such systems. Applications in use and under

development will be used to provide the context for discussing the

changes in user focus and future requirements. This presents new sets

of opportunities and challenges to the supplier and implementer of

mathematical programming solvers and modeling systems.

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