Thu, 20 Jan 2000
14:00 - 15:00
Prof Bruce Christianson
University of Hertfordshire

In 1983 Pantoja described a stagewise construction of the exact Newton

direction for a discrete time optimal control problem. His algorithm

requires the solution of linear equations with coefficients given by

recurrences involving second derivatives, for which accurate values are

therefore required.



Automatic differentiation is a set of techniques for obtaining derivatives

of functions which are calculated by a program, including loops and

subroutine calls, by transforming the text of the program.



In this talk we show how automatic differentiation can be used to

evaluate exactly the quantities required by Pantoja's algorithm,

thus avoiding the labour of forming and differentiating adjoint

equations by hand.



The cost of calculating the newton direction amounts to the cost of

solving one set of linear equations, of the order of the number of

control variables, for each time step. The working storage cost can be made

smaller than that required to hold the solution.

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