Thu, 27 Oct 2011
14:00 - 15:00
Andrzej Skowronski

The class of finite dimensional algebras over an algebraically closed field K

may be divided into two disjoint subclasses (tame and wild dichotomy).

One class

consists of the tame algebras for which the indecomposable modules

occur, in each dimension d, in a finite number of discrete and a

finite number of one-parameter families. The second class is formed by

the wild algebras whose representation theory comprises the

representation theories of all finite dimensional algebras over K.

Hence, the classification of the finite dimensional modules is

feasible only for the tame algebras. Frequently, applying deformations

and covering techniques, we may reduce the study of modules over tame

algebras to that for the corresponding simply connected tame algebras.

We shall discuss the problem concerning connection between the

tameness of simply connected algebras and the weak nonnegativity of

the associated Tits quadratic forms, raised in 1975 by Sheila Brenner.

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