Thu, 20 Oct 2011
12:00 - 13:00
Tom Sutherland

We will describe the space of Bridgeland stability conditions

of the derived category of some CY3 algebras of quivers drawn on the

Riemann sphere. We give a biholomorphic map from the upper-half plane to

the space of stability conditions lifting the period map of a meromorphic

differential on a 1-dimensional family of elliptic curves. The map is

equivariant with respect to the actions of a subgroup of $\mathrm{PSL}(2,\mathbb Z)$ on the

left by monodromy of the rational elliptic surface and on the right by

autoequivalences of the derived category.

The complement of a divisor in the rational elliptic surface can be

identified with Hitchin's moduli space of connections on the projective

line with prescribed poles of a certain order at marked points. This is

the space of initial conditions of one of the Painleve equations whose

solutions describe isomonodromic deformations of these connections.

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