Seminar series
Thu, 19 Jan 2012
Gibson 1st Floor SR
Paolo Antonelli
DAMPT, University of Cambridge

In this seminar I will expose some results obtained jointly with P. Marcati, concerning the global existence of weak solutions for the Quantum Hydrodynamics System in the space of energy. We don not require any additional regularity and/or smallness assumptions on the initial data. Our approach replaces the WKB formalism with a polar decomposition theory which is not limited by the presence of vacuum regions. In this way we set up a self consistent theory, based only on particle density and current density, which does not need to define velocity fields in the nodal regions. The mathematical techniques we use in this paper are based on uniform (with respect to the approximating parameter) Strichartz estimates and the local smoothing property.

I will then discuss some possible future extensions of the theory.

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