Tue, 24 Apr 2012
17:00 - 18:33
Nicholas Young

A theorem of R. Nevanlinna from 1922 characterizes the Cauchy

transforms of finite positive measures on the real line as the functions in

the Pick class that satisfy a certain growth condition on the real axis; this

result is important in the spectral theory of self-adjoint operators.

(The Pick class is the set of analytic functions in the upper half-plane

$\Pi$ with non-negative imaginary part). I will describe a higher-dimensional

analogue of Nevanlinna's theorem. The $n$-variable Pick class is defined to

be the set of analytic functions on the polyhalfplane $\Pi^n$ with non-negative

imaginary part; we obtain four different representation formulae for functions

in the $n$-variable Pick class in terms of the ``structured resolvent" of a

densely defined self-adjoint operator. Structured resolvents are analytic

operator-valued functions on the polyhalfplane with properties analogous to those of the

familiar resolvent of a self-adjoint operator. The types of representation that a

function admits are determined by the growth of the function on the imaginary polyaxis $(i\R)^n$.

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