Seminar series
Mon, 21 May 2012
12:00 - 13:00
Chris Hull
Imperial College London

String theory on a torus requires the introduction of dual coordinates

conjugate to string winding number. This leads to physics and novel geometry in a doubled space. This will be

compared to generalized geometry, which doubles the tangent space but not the manifold.

For a d-torus,   string theory can be formulated in terms of an infinite

tower of fields depending on both the d torus coordinates and the d dual

coordinates. This talk focuses on a finite subsector  consisting of a metric

and B-field (both d x d matrices) and a dilaton all depending on the 2d

doubled torus coordinates.

The double field theory is constructed and found to have a novel symmetry

that reduces to diffeomorphisms and anti-symmetric tensor gauge

transformations in certain circumstances. It also has manifest T-duality

symmetry which provides a generalisation of the usual Buscher rules to

backgrounds without isometries. The theory has a real dependence on the full

doubled geometry:  the dual dimensions are not auxiliary. It is concluded

that the doubled geometry is physical and dynamical.

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