Thu, 24 May 2012
12:00 - 13:00
Rosalinda Juer

The mid 1980s saw a shift in the nature of the relationship between mathematics and physics. Differential equations and geometry applied in a classical setting were no longer the principal players; in the quantum world topology and algebra had come to the fore. In this talk we discuss a method of classifying 2-dim invertible Klein topological quantum field theories (KTQFTs). A key object of study will be the unoriented cobordism category $\mathscr{K}$, whose objects are closed 1-manifolds and whose morphisms are surfaces (a KTQFT is a functor $\mathscr{K}\rightarrow\operatorname{Vect}_{\mathbb{C}}$). Time permitting, the open-closed version of the category will be considered, yielding some surprising results.

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