Tue, 02 Oct 2012
14:00 - 15:00
Olivier Schiffmann

Motivated by a conjecture of Alday, Gaiotto and Tachikawa (AGT

conjecture), we construct an action of

a suitable $W$-algebra on the equivariant cohomology of the moduli

space $M_r$ of rank r instantons on $A^2$ (i.e.

on the moduli space of rank $r$ torsion free sheaves on $P^2$,

trivialized at the line at infinity). We show that

the resulting $W$-module is identified with a Verma module, and the

characteristic class of $M_r$ is the Whittaker vector

of that Verma module. One of the main ingredients of our construction

is the so-called cohomological Hall algebra of the

commuting variety, which is a certain associative algebra structure on

the direct sum of equivariant cohomology spaces

of the commuting varieties of $gl(r)$, for all $r$. Joint work with E. Vasserot.

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