Seminar series
Thu, 27 Sep 2012
09:30 - 10:30
Anna Cadoret
Ecole Polytechnique

I will present an overview of a series of joint works with Akio Tamagawa about l-adic representations of etale fundamental group of curves (to simplify, over finitely generated fields of characteristic 0).
More precisely, when the generic representation is GLP (geometrically Lie perfect) i.e. the Lie algebra of the geometric etale fundamental group is perfect, we show that the associated local $\ell$-adic Galois representations satisfies a strong uniform open image theorem (ouside a `small' exceptional locus). Representations on l-adic cohohomology provide an important example of GLP representations. In that case, one can even provethat the exceptional loci that appear in the statement of our stronguniform open image theorem are independent of $\ell$, which was predicted by motivic conjectures.
Without the GLP assumption, we prove that the  associated local l-adic Galois representations still satisfy remarkable rigidity properties: the codimension of the image at the special fibre in the image at the generic fibre is at most 2 (outside a 'small' exceptional locus) and its Lie algebra is controlled by the first terms of the derived series of the Lie algebra of the image at the generic fibre.
I will state the results precisely, mention a few applications/open questions and draw a general picture of the proof in the GLP case (which,in particular, intertwins via the formalism of Galois categories, arithmetico-geometric properties of curves and $\ell$-adic geometry). If time allows, I will also give a few hints about the $\ell$-independency of the exceptional loci or the non GLP case.

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