The étale-open topology and the stable fields conjecture
Johnson, W Tran, C Walsberg, E Ye, J Journal of the European Mathematical Society (14 Jun 2023)
Tue, 10 Oct 2023

Generalized Symmetries in Argyres-Douglas Theories

Alessandro Mininno
In this talk, I will discuss the dynamical consequences of having 1-form, 2-group and non-invertible symmetries in Argyres-Douglas (AD) theories.
I will first review how to construct (G,G') and D_p(G) theories from geometric engineering. Then, I will briefly introduce how 1-form symmetries are found in these AD theories, focusing on their dynamical consequences in the study of the Higgs branch for such theories.  Analogously, I will show how certain D_p(G) theories enjoy a 2-group structure due to a non-trivial extension between a discrete 1-form symmetry and a continuous 0-form symmetry, emphasizing the dynamical consequences that a 2-group structure entails, and the family of AD theories that have it. This analysis allowed us to "bootstrap" families of D_p(G) theories sharing the same properties. Finally, I discuss the presence of non-invertible symmetries in AD theories obtained by gauging the flavor symmetry of multiple D_p(SU(N)) theories. 


A red panda celebrating the start of summer

It's the Week 8 Student Bulletin! 

This week may be our smallest Bulletin ever, with one (1) item. We hope you find it an enjoyable read. 

Image of the tile

We will be celebrating the discovery of 'The Hat', a tile which tiles only aperiodically, on the 20th and 21st July here in the Mathematical Institute, Oxford. Come and join us!

The theory of tilings in the plane touches on diverse areas of mathematics, physics and beyond. Aperiodic sets of tiles, such as the famous Penrose tiling that you see as you walk into the Mathematical Institute, admit tilings of the plane without any translational symmetry.

Fri, 23 Jun 2023
Lecture Room 5

Groups and Geometry in the South East

Emmanuel Breuillard (Oxford), Koji Fujiwara (Kyoto), Marc Lackenby (Oxford)

Counting incompressible surfaces in hyperbolic 3-manifolds.


Marc Lackenby (Oxford)

Incompressible embedded surfaces play a central role in 3-manifold theory. It is a natural and interesting question to ask how many such surfaces are contained in a given 3-manifold M, as a function of their genus g. I will present a new theorem that provides a surprisingly small upper bound. For any given g, there a polynomial p_g with the following property. The number of closed incompressible surfaces of genus g in a hyperbolic 3-manifold M is at most p_g(vol(M)). This is joint work with Anastasiia Tsvietkova.


The rates of growth in hyperbolic groups.


Koji Fujiwara (Kyoto)

For a finitely generated group of exponential growth, we study the set of exponential growth rates for all possible finite generating sets. Let G be a hyperbolic group. It turns out that the set of growth rates is well-ordered.  Also, given a number, there are only finitely many generating sets that have this number as the growth rate. I also plan to discuss the set of growth for a family of groups.


Character varieties of random groups.


Emmanuel Breuillard (Oxford)

In joint work with P. Varju and O. Becker we study the representation and character varieties of random finitely presented groups with values in a complex semisimple Lie group.  We compute the dimension and number of irreducible components of the character variety of a random group. In particular we show that random one-relator groups have many rigid Zariski-dense representations. The proofs use a fair amount of number theory and are conditional on GRH. Key to them is the use of expander graphs for finite simple groups of Lie type as well as a new spectral gap result for random walks on linear groups.

A multi-folded sheet of paper

Starting from just a sheet of paper, by folding, stacking, crumpling, sometimes tearing, in this Oxford Mathematics Public Lecture, Tadashi Tokieda explores a diversity of phenomena, from magic tricks and geometry through elasticity and the traditional Japanese art of origami to medical devices and an ‘h-principle’.

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