Fri, 26 Apr 2024

14:00 - 15:00

Polynomial dynamical systems and reaction networks: persistence and global attractors

Professor Gheorghe Craciun
(Department of Mathematics and Department of Biomolecular Chemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison)
The mathematical analysis of global properties of polynomial dynamical systems can be very challenging (for example: the second part of Hilbert’s 16th problem about polynomial dynamical systems in 2D, or the analysis of chaotic dynamics in the Lorenz system).
On the other hand, any dynamical system with polynomial right-hand side can essentially be regarded as a model of a reaction network. Key properties of reaction systems are closely related to fundamental results about global stability in classical thermodynamics. For example, the Global Attractor Conjecture can be regarded as a finite dimensional version of Boltzmann’s H-theorem. We will discuss some of these connections, as well as the introduction of toric differential inclusions as a tool for proving the Global Attractor Conjecture.
We will also discuss some implications for the more general Persistence Conjecture (which says that solutions of weakly reversible systems cannot "go extinct"), as well as some applications to biochemical mechanisms that implement cellular homeostasis. 


The fourth in the series which is proving very popular on social media (each film has had 75k or more views) showing there is a real appetite for the mathematics as well as the lighter fare.

Thu, 29 Feb 2024

11:00 - 12:00

Coherent group actions

Martin Bays
(University of Oxford)

I will discuss aspects of some work in progress with Tingxiang Zou, in which we continue the investigation of pseudofinite sets coarsely respecting structures of algebraic geometry, focusing on algebraic group actions. Using a version of Balog-Szemerédi-Gowers-Tao for group actions, we find quite weak hypotheses which rule out non-abelian group actions, and we are applying this to obtain new Elekes-Szabó results in which the general position hypothesis is fully weakened in one co-ordinate.

The wheel classes in the locally finite homology of
$\mathrm{GL}_n(\mathbb{Z})$, canonical integrals and zeta values
Brown, F Schnetz, O (09 Feb 2024)
Structural identifiability analysis of linear reaction–advection–diffusion processes in mathematical biology
Browning, A Tasca, M Falco, C Baker, R Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences volume 480 issue 2286 (27 Mar 2024)
Twistor Theory: Some Applications
Mason, L Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics: Five-Volume Set V5-303-V5-311 (01 Jan 2006)
Thu, 29 Feb 2024

Martingale Benamou-Brenier: arthimetic and geometric Bass martingales

Professor Jan Obloj
(Mathematical Institute)
Further Information

Please join us for refreshments outside L3 from 1530.


Optimal transport (OT) proves to be a powerful tool for non-parametric calibration: it allows us to take a favourite (non-calibrated) model and project it onto the space of all calibrated (martingale) models. The dual side of the problem leads to an HJB equation and a numerical algorithm to solve the projection. However, in general, this process is costly and leads to spiky vol surfaces. We are interested in special cases where the projection can be obtained semi-analytically. This leads us to the martingale equivalent of the seminal fluid-dynamics interpretation of the optimal transport (OT) problem developed by Benamou and Brenier. Specifically, given marginals, we look for the martingale which is the closest to a given archetypical model. If our archetype is the arithmetic Brownian motion, this gives the stretched Brownian motion (or the Bass martingale), studied previously by Backhoff-Veraguas, Beiglbock, Huesmann and Kallblad (and many others). Here we consider the financially more pertinent case of Black-Scholes (geometric BM) reference and show it can also be solved explicitly. In both cases, fast numerical algorithms are available.

Based on joint works with Julio Backhoff, Benjamin Joseph and Gregoire Leoper.  

This talk reports a work in progress. It will be done on a board.

Deep Attentive Survival Analysis in Limit Order Books: Estimating Fill Probabilities with Convolutional-Transformers
Arroyo, Á Cartea, Á Moreno-Pino, F Zohren, S
15 years of Adjoint Algorithmic Differentiation (AAD) in finance
Capriotti, L Giles, M Quantitative Finance (22 Mar 2024)
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