Is the evidence for dark energy secure?
Sarkar, S (28 Oct 2007)
Fine tuning and the ratio of tensor to scalar density fluctuations from cosmological inflation
Hotchkiss, S German, G Ross, G Sarkar, S (16 Apr 2008)
Testing astrophysical models for the PAMELA positron excess with cosmic ray nuclei
Mertsch, P Sarkar, S (19 May 2009)
Non-Gaussianity from violation of slow-roll in multiple inflation
Hotchkiss, S Sarkar, S (18 Oct 2009)
Asymmetric dark matter and the Sun
Frandsen, M Sarkar, S (23 Mar 2010)
Systematic effects in the extraction of the 'WMAP haze'
Mertsch, P Sarkar, S (18 Apr 2010)
Using cosmic neutrinos to search for non-perturbative physics at the Pierre Auger Observatory
Anchordoqui, L Goldberg, H Gora, D Paul, T Roth, M Sarkar, S Winders, L (19 Apr 2010)
On cosmic ray acceleration in supernova remnants and the FERMI/PAMELA data
Ahlers, M Mertsch, P Sarkar, S (22 Sep 2009)
GZK Neutrinos after the Fermi-LAT Diffuse Photon Flux Measurement
Ahlers, M Anchordoqui, L Gonzalez-Garcia, M Halzen, F Sarkar, S (14 May 2010)
Probing the anisotropic local universe and beyond with SNe Ia data
Colin, J Mohayaee, R Sarkar, S Shafieloo, A (29 Nov 2010)
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