Parameter identifiability and model selection for partial differential equation models of cell invasion
Liu, Y Suh, K Maini, P Cohen, D Baker, R (04 Sep 2023)
Equivariant line bundles with connection on the p-adic upper half plane
Ardakov, K Wadsley, S (11 Sep 2023)
Demushkin groups of uncountable rank
Bar-On, T Nikolov, N (07 Sep 2023)

To mark the 10th anniversary of the Andrew Wiles Building, we asked you to nominate people for a series of photographs to celebrate the people who study and work here. 

The portraits are now done. So let's celebrate. 

Thu, 23 Nov 2023

Anticyclotomic p-adic L-functions for U(n) x U(n+1)  

Xenia Dimitrakopoulou
(University of Warwick)

I will report on current work in progress on the construction of anticyclotomic p-adic L-functions for Rankin--Selberg products. I will explain how by p-adically interpolating the branching law for the spherical pair (U(n)xU(n+1), U(n)) we can construct a p-adic L-function attached to cohomological automorphic representations of U(n) x U(n+1), including anticyclotomic variation. Due to the recent proof of the unitary Gan--Gross--Prasad conjecture, this p-adic L-function interpolates the square root of the central L-value. Time allowing, I will explain how we can extend this result to the Coleman family of an automorphic representation.

Thu, 16 Nov 2023

90 years of pointwise ergodic theory

Ben Krause
(University of Bristol)

This talk will cover the greatest hits of pointwise ergodic theory, beginning with Birkhoff's theorem, then Bourgain's work, and finishing with more modern directions.

Thu, 02 Nov 2023

Partition regularity of Pythagorean pairs

Joel Moreira
(University of Warwick)

Is there a partition of the natural numbers into finitely many pieces, none of which contains a Pythagorean triple (i.e. a solution to the equation x2+y2=z2)? This is one of the simplest questions in arithmetic Ramsey theory which is still open. I will present a recent partial result, showing that in any finite partition of the natural numbers there are two numbers x,y in the same cell of the partition, such that x2+y2=z2 for some integer z which may be in a different cell. 

The proof consists, after some initial maneuvers inspired by ergodic theory, in controlling the behavior of completely multiplicative functions along certain quadratic polynomials. Considering separately aperiodic and "pretentious" functions, the last major ingredient is a concentration estimate for functions in the latter class when evaluated along sums of two squares.

The talk is based on joint work with Frantzikinakis and Klurman.

Thu, 30 Nov 2023

Computing p-adic heights on hyperelliptic curves

Stevan Gajović
(Charles University Prague)

In this talk, we present an algorithm to compute p-adic heights on hyperelliptic curves with good reduction. Our algorithm improves a previous algorithm of Balakrishnan and Besser by being considerably simpler and faster and allowing even degree models. We discuss two applications of our work: to apply the quadratic Chabauty method for rational and integral points on hyperelliptic curves and to test the p-adic Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture in examples numerically. This is joint work with Steffen Müller.

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