Identifying Streptococcus pneumoniae genes associated with invasive disease using pangenome-based whole genome sequence typing
Obolski, U Gori, A Lourenço, J Thompson, C Thompson, R French, N Heyderman, R Gupta, S
Movement and conformity interact to establish local behavioural traditions in animal populations
Somveille, M Firth, J Aplin, L Farine, D Sheldon, B Thompson, R
Increased frequency of travel in the presence of cross-immunity may act to decrease the chance of a global pandemic
Thompson, R Thompson, C Pelerman, O Gupta, S Obolski, U
Rigorous surveillance is necessary for high confidence in end-of-outbreak declarations for Ebola and other infectious diseases
Thompson, R Morgan, O Jalava, K
Associations between high ambient temperatures and heat waves with mental health outcomes: a systematic review.
Thompson, R Hornigold, R Page, L Waite, T Public health volume 161 171-191 (12 Aug 2018)
2019-20 Wuhan coronavirus outbreak: Intense surveillance is vital for preventing sustained transmission in new locations
Thompson, R
Modelling SARS-CoV-2 Dynamics: Implications for Therapy
Kim, K Ejima, K Ito, Y Iwanami, S Ohashi, H Koizumi, Y Asai, Y Nakaoka, S Watashi, K Thompson, R Iwami, S
Estimating COVID-19 outbreak risk through air travel
Daon, Y Thompson, R Obolski, U
Indoor temperature and health: a global systematic review.
Tham, S Thompson, R Landeg, O Murray, K Waite, T Public health volume 179 9-17 (08 Feb 2020)
Rethinking antiviral effects for COVID-19 in clinical studies: early initiation is key to successful treatment
Iwanami, S Ejima, K Kim, K Noshita, K Fujita, Y Miyazaki, T Kohno, S Miyazaki, Y Morimoto, S Nakaoka, S Koizumi, Y Asai, Y Aihara, K Watashi, K Thompson, R Shibuya, K Fujiu, K Perelson, A Iwami, S Wakita, T
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