Applications of dispersive sum rules: $ε$-expansion and holography
Carmi, D Penedones, J A. Silva, J Zhiboedov, A SciPost Physics volume 10 issue 6 145- (14 Jun 2021)
Photo of Artur

Oxford Mathematician Artur Ekert has been awarded the Milner Award and Lecture by the Royal Society for "pioneering contributions to quantum communication and computation, which transformed the field of quantum information science from a niche academic activity into a vibrant interdisciplinary field of industrial relevance."

Supporting data for the paper "Asymmetric periodic boundary conditions for all-atom molecular dynamics and coarse-grained simulations of nucleic acids"
Erban, R Togashi, Y
Asymmetric periodic boundary conditions for all-atom molecular dynamics and coarse-grained simulations of nucleic acids
Erban, R Togashi, Y Journal of Physical Chemistry B (Soft Condensed Matter and Biophysical Chemistry) volume 127 issue 38 8257-8267 (15 Sep 2023)
Equivariant localization in supergravity
Benetti Genolini, P Gauntlett, J Sparks, J Physical Review Letters volume 131 issue 12 (18 Sep 2023)
Banner for lecture

Oxford Mathematics Public Lecture - Four Ways of Thinking: Statistical, Interactive, Chaotic and Complex - David Sumpter

Mathematics is about finding better ways of reasoning. But for many applied mathematicians, the primary mission is to shape their minds in a way that gets them closer to the truth. The calculations are secondary, the real question is: how we can better understand the world around us?

Unbiased Decisions Reduce Regret: Adversarial Domain Adaptation for the
Bank Loan Problem
Gal, E Singh, S Pacchiano, A Walker, B Lyons, T Foerster, J (15 Aug 2023)
Determining triangulations and quadrangulations by boundary distances
Haslegrave, J Journal of Combinatorial Theory: Series B
Complexity and chaos control in a Cournot duopoly model based on bounded rationality and relative profit maximization
Wei, Z Tan, W Elsadany, A Moroz, I Nonlinear Dynamics volume 111 issue 18 17561-17589 (01 Sep 2023)
Relational persistent homology for multispecies data with application to
the tumor microenvironment
Stolz, B Dhesi, J Bull, J Harrington, H Byrne, H Yoon, I (11 Aug 2023)
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