The fully compressed subgroup membership problem
Linton, M Journal of Algebra volume 628 562-583 (01 Aug 2023)
Thu, 11 May 2023

Quasiminimality of Complex Powers

Francesco Gallinaro
(University of Freiburg)

A conjecture due to Zilber predicts that the complex exponential field is quasiminimal: that is, that all subsets of the complex numbers that are definable in the language of rings expanded by a symbol for the complex exponential function are countable or cocountable.
Zilber showed that this conjecture would follow from Schanuel's Conjecture and an existential closedness type property asserting that certain systems of exponential-polynomial equations can be solved in the complex numbers; later on, Bays and Kirby were able to remove the dependence on Schanuel's Conjecture, shifting all the focus to the existence of solutions. In this talk, I will discuss recent work about the quasiminimality of a reduct of the complex exponential field, that is, the complex numbers expanded by multivalued power functions. This is joint work with Jonathan Kirby.

The Maths Corner is up and running again! If you're a Prelims student, come along to the Mezz Study Room at 11am on Tuesday each week for a study session run by an experienced postdoctoral research associate (and snacks). 

Like people, songs have afterlives, often long after being initially ignored.

The Passenger, from the 1977 album 'Lust for Life', was released as the b-side (the flip side of vinyl singles) of the ignored single 'Success'. But gradually it made its way in to the mainstream until it became a relentless favourite of movie directors and advertising agencies. All of which is great for Iggy though these different contexts can maybe detract from simply listening to the song.

David Bowie plays the piano (and sings).

Fridays@2 is back! 

As exams are approaching, we have a more limited schedule this term. However, make sure to look out for the following: 

Week 2: Exams Prep Drop-in Session (in C3)

Within the MPLS Division, we fully appreciate the ever-growing demands on academics' time, but within our current structures it is important that we ensure the academic perspective is well understood by University decision-making bodies, especially when it comes to the distinctive challenges facing scientific disciplines.

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