The Oxford Maths Festival is our extravaganza of all the wonderful curiosities mathematics holds. Over two days you can immerse yourself in a wide range of events, with something for everyone, no matter age or prior mathematical experience.

Main Locations:

Templar's Square Shopping Centre (OX4 3XH): this is the main centre of activities on Saturday. The shopping centre is located in East Oxford.

Photos of, left to right, Angela, Anne and Clare

Why study mathematics? Where can it take you?

Well, you could be the UK's Chief Scientific Adviser (Angela McLean, left), the Director GCHQ, the UK intelligence agency (Anne Keast-Butler, centre) or Chief Executive Citizens Advice UK (Clare Moriarty, right).

Philip has been awarded the Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications (IMA) Gold Medal 2022 "in recognition of his profound contributions to mathematics in biology and medicine, for the sustained role he has played in supporting and mentoring researchers in the early stages of their careers, and for the leadership he has shown in the biological mathematics community and the Wolfson Centre for Mathematical Biology."

Philip's award is very popular on social media.

Arkady Wey has moved from DPhil student to InFoMM Doctoral Prize Research Associate working with Ian Griffiths in OCIAM: S2.14.

Existence of large-data global weak solutions to kinetic models of nonhomogeneous dilute polymeric fluids
He, C Suli, E Kinetic and Related Models volume 17 issue 1 107-161 (14 Apr 2023)
Parabolic stochastic quantisation of the fractional $Φ^4_3$ model in
the full subcritical regime
Duch, P Gubinelli, M Rinaldi, P (31 Mar 2023)
Mon, 24 Apr 2023

Coarse embeddings, and yet more ways to avoid them

David Hume

Coarse embeddings (maps between metric spaces whose distortion can be controlled by some function) occur naturally in various areas of pure mathematics, most notably in topology and algebra. It may therefore come as a surprise to discover that it is not known whether there is a coarse embedding of three-dimensional real hyperbolic space into the direct product of a real hyperbolic plane and a 3-regular tree. One reason for this is that there are very few invariants which behave monotonically with respect to coarse embeddings, and thus could be used to obstruct coarse embeddings.


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