Interfacial growth morphologies in dense eutectic crystal mushes
Fowler, A Holness, M IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics hxad033- (01 Dec 2023)
Phenotypic switching mechanisms determine the structure of cell
migration into extracellular matrix under the `go-or-grow' hypothesis
Crossley, R Painter, K Lorenzi, T Maini, P Baker, R (14 Jan 2024)
Modeling cellular self-organization in strain-stiffening hydrogels
Erhardt, A Peschka, D Dazzi, C Schmeller, L Petersen, A Checa, S Münch, A Wagner, B
Pseudo-craniotomy of a whole-brain model reveals tumor-induced alterations to neuronal dynamics in glioma patients
Alexandersen, C Douw, L Zimmermann, M Bick, C Goriely, A

If you're a Prelims student, don't forget that The Maths Corner is back! Running Weeks 2-8, 11:00-12:15 in the Mezzanine Study Room. Academic Admin are willing to take snack requests. 

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