Thu, 07 Feb 2019

Nonlinear Stein theorem for differential forms

Swarnendu Sil
(ETH Zurich)

Stein ($1981$) proved the borderline Sobolev embedding result which states that for $n \geq 2,$ $u \in L^{1}(\mathbb{R}^{n})$ and $\nabla u \in L^{(n,1)}(\mathbb{R}^{n}; \mathbb{R}^{n})$ implies $u$ is continuous. Coupled with standard Calderon-Zygmund estimates for Lorentz spaces, this implies $u \in C^{1}(\mathbb{R}^{n})$ if $\Delta u \in L^{(n,1)}(\mathbb{R}^{n}).$ The search for a nonlinear generalization of this result culminated in the work of Kuusi-Mingione ($2014$), which proves the same result for $p$-Laplacian type systems. \paragraph{} In this talk, we shall discuss how these results can be extended to differential forms. In particular, we can prove that if $u$ is an $\mathbb{R}^{N}$-valued $W^{1,p}_{loc}$ $k$-differential form with $\delta \left( a(x) \lvert du \rvert^{p-2} du \right) \in L^{(n,1)}_{loc}$ in a domain of $\mathbb{R}^{n}$ for $N \geq 1,$ $n \geq 2,$ $0 \leq k \leq n-1, $ $1 < p < \infty, $ with uniformly positive, bounded, Dini continuous scalar function $a$, then $du$ is continuous.

Thu, 02 May 2019

16:00 - 17:30

Cavitation and fracture in soft solids

Dr. Robert Style
(ETH Zurich)

Cracks in many soft solids behave very differently to the classical picture of fracture, where cracks are long and thin, with damage localised to a crack tip. In particular, small cracks in soft solids become highly rounded — almost circular — before they start to extend. However, despite being commonplace, this is still not well understood. We use a phase-separation technique in soft, stretched solids to controllably nucleate and grow small, nascent cracks. These give insight into the soft failure process. In particular, our results suggest fracture occurs in two regimes. When a crack is large, it obeys classical linear-elastic fracture mechanics, but when it is small it grows in a new, scale-free way at a constant driving stress.

Mon, 26 Nov 2018

15:45 - 16:45

Stochastic Euler-Lagrangian condition in semi-martingale optimal transport

(ETH Zurich)

In semimartingale optimal transport problem, the functional to be minimized can be considered as a “stochastic action”, which is the expectationof a “stochastic Lagrangian” in terms of differential semimartingale characteristics. Therefore it would be natural to apply variational calculus approach to characterize the minimizers. R. Lassalle and A.B. Cruzeiro have used this approach to establish a stochastic Euler-Lagrangian condition for semimartingale optimal transport by perturbing the drift terms. Motivated by their work, we want to perform the same type of calculus for martingale optimal transport problem. In particular, instead of only considering perturbations in the drift terms, we try to find a nice variational family for volatility,and then obtain the stochastic Euler-Lagrangian condition for martingale laws. In the first part of this talk we will mention some basic results regarding the existence of minimizers in semimartingale optimal transport problem. In the second part, we will introduce Lassalle and Cruzeiro’s  work, and give a simple example related to this topic, where the variational family is induced by time-changes; and then we will introduce some potential problems that are needed to be solved.

Thu, 10 May 2018

16:00 - 17:00

Morse subsets of hierarchically hyperbolic spaces

Davide Spriano
(ETH Zurich)

When dealing with geometric structures one natural question that arise is "when does a subset inherit the geometry of the ambient space"? In the case of hyperbolic space, the concept of quasi-convexity provides answer to this question. However, for a general metric space, being quasi-convex is not a quasi-isometric invariant. This motivates the notion of Morse subsets. In this talk we will motivate the definition and introduce some examples. Then we will introduce the class of hierarchically hyperbolic groups (HHG), and furnish a complete characterization of Morse subgroups of HHG. If time allows, we will discuss the relationship between Morse subgroups and hyperbolically-embedded subgroups. This is a joint work with Hung C. Tran and Jacob Russell.

Mon, 07 May 2018

14:15 - 15:15

Tautological integrals over Hilbert scheme of points.

Greg Berczi
(ETH Zurich)

I present recently developed iterated residue formulas for tautological integrals over Hilbert schemes of points on  smooth  manifolds. Applications include curve and hypersurface counting formulas. Joint work with Andras Szenes.


Mon, 30 Apr 2018

16:00 - 17:00

Regularity vs. singularity for elliptic and parabolic systems

Connor Mooney
(ETH Zurich)

Hilbert's 19th problem asks if minimizers of "natural" variational integrals are smooth. For the past century, this problem inspired fundamental regularity results for elliptic and parabolic PDES. It also led to the construction of several beautiful counterexamples to regularity. The dichotomy of regularity vs. singularity is related to that of single PDE (the scalar case) vs. system of PDEs (the vectorial case), and low dimension vs. high dimension. I will discuss some interesting recent counterexamples to regularity in low-dimensional vectorial cases, and outstanding open problems. Parts of this are joint works with A. Figalli and O. Savin.

Tue, 24 Oct 2017

Zero forcing in random and pseudorandom graphs

Nina Kamcev
(ETH Zurich)

A subset S of initially infected vertices of a graph G is called forcing if we can infect the entire graph by iteratively applying the following process. At each step, any infected vertex which has a unique uninfected neighbour, infects this neighbour. The forcing number of G is the minimum cardinality of a forcing set in G. It was introduced independently as a bound for the minimum rank of a graph, and as a tool in quantum information theory.

The focus of this talk is on the forcing number of the random graph. Furthermore, we will state our bounds on the forcing number of pseudorandom graphs and related problems. The results are joint work with Thomas Kalinowski and Benny Sudakov.

Mon, 21 Nov 2016

15:45 - 16:45

The Loewner energy of chords in simply connected domain

(ETH Zurich)

We study some features of the energy of a deterministic chordal Loewner chain, which is defined as the Dirichlet energy of its driving function in a very directional way. Using an interpretation of this energy as a large deviation rate function for SLE_k as k goes to 0, we show that the energy of a deterministic curve from one boundary point A of a simply connected domain D to another boundary point B, is equal to the energy of its time-reversal i.e. of the same curve but viewed as going from B to A in D. In particular it measures how far does the chord differ from the hyperbolic geodesic. I will also discuss the relation between the energy of the curve with its regularity, some questions are still open. If time allows, I will present the Loewner energy for loops on the Riemann sphere, and open questions related to it as well.


Mon, 14 Nov 2016

15:45 - 16:45

Rough path metrics on a Besov-Nikolskii type scale

(ETH Zurich)

One of the central results in rough path theory is the local Lipschitz continuity of the solution map of a controlled differential equation called Ito-Lyons map. This continuity statement was obtained by T. Lyons in a q-variation resp. 1/q-Hölder type (rough path) metrics for any regularity 1/q>0. We extend this to a new class of Besov-Nikolskii type metrics with arbitrary regularity 1/q and integrability p, which particularly covers the aforementioned results as special cases. This talk is based on a joint work with Peter K. Friz.


Fri, 06 May 2016

Mechanical error estimators for ice flow models and the trajectory of erratic boulders

Guillaume Jouvet
(ETH Zurich)

In this talk, I will present two different aspects of the ice flow modelling, including a theoretical part and an applied part. In the theoretical part, I will derive some "mechanical error estimators'', i.e. estimators that can measure the mechanical error between the most accurate ice flow model (Glen-Stokes) and some approximations based on shallowness assumption. To do so, I will follow residual techniques used to obtain a posteriori estimators of the numerical error in finite element methods for non-linear elliptic problems. In the applied part, I will present some simulations of the ice flow generated by the Rhone Glacier, Switzerland, during the last glacial maximum (~ 22 000 years ago), analyse the trajectories taken by erratic boulders of different origins, and compare these results to geomorphological observations. In particular, I will show that erratic boulders, whose origin is known, constitute valuable data to infer information about paleo-climate, which is the most uncertain input of any paleo ice sheet model. 

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