Mon, 06 Jun 2016

Obstructions to positive scalar curvature via submanifolds of different codimension

Thomas Schick

Question: Given a smooth compact manifold $M$ without boundary, does $M$
 admit a Riemannian metric of positive scalar curvature?

 We focus on the case of spin manifolds. The spin structure, together with a
 chosen Riemannian metric, allows to construct a specific geometric
 differential operator, called Dirac operator. If the metric has positive
 scalar curvature, then 0 is not in the spectrum of this operator; this in
 turn implies that a topological invariant, the index, vanishes.

  We use a refined version, acting on sections of a bundle of modules over a
 $C^*$-algebra; and then the index takes values in the K-theory of this
 algebra. This index is the image under the Baum-Connes assembly map of a
 topological object, the K-theoretic fundamental class.

 The talk will present results of the following type:

 If $M$ has a submanifold $N$ of codimension $k$ whose Dirac operator has
 non-trivial index, what conditions imply that $M$ does not admit a metric of
 positive scalar curvature? How is this related to the Baum-Connes assembly

 We will present previous results of Zeidler ($k=1$), Hanke-Pape-S. ($k=2$),
 Engel and new generalizations. Moreover, we will show how these results fit
 in the context of the Baum-Connes assembly maps for the manifold and the

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