Mon, 31 Jan 2022

D-critical locus structure for local toric Calabi-Yau 3-folds

Yun Shi
(Harvard University)

Donaldson-Thomas (DT) theory is an enumerative theory which produces a virtual count of stable coherent sheaves on a Calabi-Yau 3-fold. Motivic Donaldson-Thomas theory, originally introduced by Kontsevich-Soibelman, is a categorification of the DT theory. This categorification contains more refined information of the moduli space. In this talk, I will explain the role of d-critical locus structure in the definition of motivic DT invariant, following the definition by Bussi-Joyce-Meinhardt. I will also discuss results on this structure on the Hilbert schemes of zero dimensional subschemes on local toric Calabi-Yau threefolds. This is based on joint works with Sheldon Katz. The results have substantial overlap with recent work by Ricolfi-Savvas, but techniques used here are different. 

Fri, 21 May 2021

Black hole microstate statistics from Euclidean wormholes

Jordan Cotler
(Harvard University)

Over the last several years, it has been shown that black hole microstate level statistics in various models of 2D gravity are encoded in wormhole amplitudes.  These statistics quantitatively agree with predictions of random matrix theory for chaotic quantum systems; this behavior is realized since the 2D theories in question are dual to matrix models.  But what about black hole microstate statistics for Einstein gravity in 3D and higher spacetime dimensions, and ultimately in non-perturbative string theory?  We will discuss progress in these directions.  In 3D, we compute a wormhole amplitude that encodes the energy level statistics of BTZ black holes.  In 4D and higher, we find analogous wormholes which appear to encode the level statistics of small black holes just above threshold.  Finally, we study analogous Euclidean wormholes in the low-energy limit of type IIB string theory; we provide evidence that they encode the level statistics of small black holes just above threshold in AdS5 x S5.  Remarkably, these wormholes appear to be stable in appropriate regimes, and dominate over brane-anti-brane nucleation processes in the computation of black hole microstate statistics.

Thu, 04 Mar 2021

16:00 - 17:00

Machine Learning for Partial Differential Equations

Michael Brenner
(Harvard University)
Further Information

Our understanding and ability to compute the solutions to nonlinear partial differential equations has been strongly curtailed by our inability to effectively parameterize the inertial manifold of their solutions.  I will discuss our ongoing efforts for using machine learning to advance the state of the art, both for developing a qualitative understanding of "turbulent" solutions and for efficient computational approaches.  We aim to learn parameterizations of the solutions that give more insight into the dynamics and/or increase computational efficiency. I will discuss our recent work using machine learning to develop models of the small scale behavior of spatio-temporal complex solutions, with the goal of maintaining accuracy albeit at a highly reduced computational cost relative to a full simulation.  References: and 

Fri, 12 Feb 2021

Chern-Weil Global Symmetries and How Quantum Gravity Avoids Them

Irene Valenzuela
(Harvard University)

I will discuss a class of generalized global symmetries, which we call “Chern-Weil global symmetries,” that arise ubiquitously in gauge theories. The Noether currents of these Chern-Weil global symmetries are given by wedge products of gauge field strengths and their conservation follows from Bianchi identities, so they are not easy to break. However, exact global symmetries should not be allowed in a consistent theory of quantum gravity. I will explain how these symmetries are typically gauged or broken in string theory. Interestingly, many familiar phenomena in string theory, such as axions, Chern-Simons terms, worldvolume degrees of freedom, and branes ending on or dissolving in other branes, can be interpreted as consequences of the absence of Chern-Weil symmetries in quantum gravity, suggesting that they might be general features of quantum gravity.

Wed, 10 Mar 2021

16:00 - 17:30

Minimal Models and Beta Categoricity

Peter Koellner
(Harvard University)

Let us say that a theory $T$ in the language of set theory is $\beta$-consistent at $\alpha$ if there is a transitive model of $T$ of height $\alpha$, and let us say that it is $\beta$-categorical at $\alpha$ iff there is at most one transitive model of $T$ of height $\alpha$. Let us also assume, for ease of formulation, that there are arbitrarily large $\alpha$ such that $\mathrm{ZFC}$ is $\beta$-consistent at $\alpha$.

The sentence $\mathrm{VEL}$ has the feature that $\mathrm{ZFC}+\mathrm{VEL}$ is $\beta$-categorical at $\alpha$, for every $\alpha$. If we assume in addition that $\mathrm{ZFC}+\mathrm{VEL}$ is $\beta$-consistent at $\alpha$, then the uniquely determined model is $L_\alpha$, and the minimal such model, $L_{\alpha_0}$, is model of determined by the $\beta$-categorical theory $\mathrm{ZFC}+\mathrm{VEL}+M$, where $M$ is the statement "There does not exist a transitive model of $\mathrm{ZFC}$."

It is natural to ask whether $\mathrm{VEL}$ is the only sentence that can be $\beta$-categorical at $\alpha$; that is, whether, there can be a sentence $\phi$ such that $\mathrm{ZFC}+\phi$ is $\beta$-categorical at $\alpha$, $\beta$-consistent at $\alpha$, and where the unique model is not $L_\alpha$.  In the early 1970s Harvey Friedman proved a partial result in this direction. For a given ordinal $\alpha$, let $n(\alpha)$ be the next admissible ordinal above $\alpha$, and, for the purposes of this discussion, let us say that an ordinal $\alpha$ is minimal iff a bounded subset of $\alpha$ appears in $L_{n(\alpha)}\setminus L_\alpha$. [Note that $\alpha_0$ is minimal (indeed a new subset of $\omega$ appears as soon as possible, namely, in a $\Sigma_1$-definable manner over $L_{\alpha_0+1}$) and an ordinal $\alpha$ is non-minimal iff $L_{n(\alpha)}$ satisfies that $\alpha$ is a cardinal.] Friedman showed that for all $\alpha$ which are non-minimal, $\mathrm{VEL}$ is the only sentence that is $\beta$-categorical at $\alpha$. The question of whether this is also true for $\alpha$ which are minimal has remained open.

In this talk I will describe some joint work with Hugh Woodin that bears on this question. In general, when approaching a "lightface" question (such as the one under consideration) it is easier to first address the "boldface" analogue of the question by shifting from the context of $L$ to the context of $L[x]$, where $x$ is a real. In this new setting everything is relativized to the real $x$: For an ordinal $\alpha$, we let $n_x(\alpha)$ be the first $x$-admissible ordinal above $\alpha$, and we say that $\alpha$ is $x$-minimal iff a bounded subset of $\alpha$ appears in $L_{n_x(\alpha)}[x]\setminus L_{\alpha}[x]$.

Theorem. Assume $M_1^\#$ exists and is fully iterable. There is a sentence $\phi$ in the language of set theory with two additional constants, \r{c} and \r{d}, such that for a Turing cone of $x$, interpreting \r{c} by $x$, for all $a$

  1. if $L_\alpha[x]\vDash\mathrm{ZFC}$ then there is an interpretation of \r{d}  by something in $L_\alpha[x]$ such that there is a $\beta$-model of $\mathrm{ZFC}+\phi$ of height $\alpha$ and not equal to $L_\alpha[x]$, and
  2. if, in addition, $\alpha$ is $x$-minimal, then there is a unique $\beta$-model of $\mathrm{ZFC}+\phi$ of height $\alpha$ and not equal to $L_\alpha[x]$.

The sentence $\phi$ asserts the existence of an object which is external to $L_\alpha[x]$ and which, in the case where $\alpha$ is minimal, is canonical. The object is a branch $b$ through a certain tree in $L_\alpha[x]$, and the construction uses techniques from the HOD analysis of models of determinacy.

In this talk I will sketch the proof, describe some additional features of the singleton, and say a few words about why the lightface version looks difficult.

Thu, 18 Feb 2021

The reference map technique for simulating complex materials and multi-body interactions

Chris Rycroft
(Harvard University)

Conventional computational methods often create a dilemma for fluid-structure interaction problems. Typically, solids are simulated using a Lagrangian approach with grid that moves with the material, whereas fluids are simulated using an Eulerian approach with a fixed spatial grid, requiring some type of interfacial coupling between the two different perspectives. Here, a fully Eulerian method for simulating structures immersed in a fluid will be presented. By introducing a reference map variable to model finite-deformation constitutive relations in the structures on the same grid as the fluid, the interfacial coupling problem is highly simplified. The method is particularly well suited for simulating soft, highly-deformable materials and many-body contact problems, and several examples will be presented.


This is joint work with Ken Kamrin (MIT).


A link for this talk will be sent to our mailing list a day or two in advance.  If you are not on the list and wish to be sent a link, please contact @email.

Fri, 06 Nov 2020

Swampland Constraints on 5d N=1 Supergravity

Houri Christina Tarazi
(Harvard University)

We propose Swampland constraints on consistent 5d N=1 supergravity theories. In particular, we focus on a special class of BPS monopole strings which arise only in gravitational theories. The central charges and the levels of current algebras of 2d CFTs on these strings can be computed using the anomaly inflow mechanism and provide constraints for the 5d supergravity using unitarity of the worldsheet CFT. In M-theory, where these theories can be realised by compactification on Calabi-Yau threefolds, the special monopole strings arise from M5 branes wrapping “semi-ample” 4-cycles in the threefolds. We further identify necessary geometric conditions that such cycles need to satisfy and translate them into constraints for the low-energy gravity theory.

Fri, 23 Oct 2020

Topological Gravity as the Early Phase of Our Universe

Georges Obied
(Harvard University)

Motivated by string dualities we propose topological gravity as the early phase of our universe.  The topological nature of this phase naturally leads to the explanation of many of the puzzles of early universe cosmology.  A concrete realization of this scenario using Witten's four dimensional topological gravity is considered.  This model leads to the power spectrum of CMB fluctuations which is controlled by the conformal anomaly coefficients $a,c$.  In particular the strength of the fluctuation is controlled by $1/a$ and its tilt by $c g^2$ where $g$ is the coupling constant of topological gravity.  The positivity of $c$, a consequence of unitarity, leads automatically to an IR tilt for the power spectrum.   In contrast with standard inflationary models, this scenario predicts $\mathcal{O}(1)$ non-Gaussianities for four- and higher-point correlators and the absence of tensor modes in the CMB fluctuations.

Wed, 18 Nov 2020

16:00 - 17:30

Even ordinals and the Kunen inconsistency

Gabriel Goldberg
(Harvard University)

The Burali-Forti paradox suggests that the transfinite cardinals “go on forever,” surpassing any conceivable bound one might try to place on them. The traditional Zermelo-Frankel axioms for set theory fall into a hierarchy of axiomatic systems formulated by reasserting this intuition in increasingly elaborate ways: the large cardinal hierarchy. Or so the story goes. A serious problem for this already naive account of large cardinal set theory is the Kunen inconsistency theorem, which seems to impose an upper bound on the extent of the large cardinal hierarchy itself. If one drops the Axiom of Choice, Kunen’s proof breaks down and a new hierarchy of choiceless large cardinal axioms emerges. These axioms, if consistent, represent a challenge for those “maximalist” foundational stances that take for granted both large cardinal axioms and the Axiom of Choice. This talk concerns some recent advances in our understanding of the weakest of the choiceless large cardinal axioms and the prospect, as yet unrealized, of establishing their consistency and reconciling them with the Axiom of Choice.

Fri, 02 Feb 2018

17:15 - 18:15

Knowledge Under Siege: The Future of Expertise In The Information Age

Tom Nichols
(Harvard University)

Today, everyone knows everything: with only a quick trip through WebMD or Wikipedia, average citizens believe themselves to be on an equal intellectual footing with doctors and diplomats. All voices, even the most ridiculous, demand to be taken with equal seriousness, and any claim to the contrary is dismissed as undemocratic elitism. Tom Nichols argues that in this climate, democratic institutions themselves are in danger of falling either to populism or to technocracy- or in the worst case, a combination of both.

Tom Nichols is Professor of National Security Affairs at the US Naval War College, an adjunct professor at the Harvard Extension School, and a former aide in the U.S. Senate. His latest book is The Death of Expertise: The Campaign Against Established Knowledge and Why it Matters. This lecture is based on that book.

All welcome. No need to book.

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