Mon, 31 Jan 2022

Localization and decomposition

Rufus Willett

Let X be a closed Riemannian manifold, and represent the algebra C(X) of continuous functions on X on the Hilbert space L^2(X) by multiplication.  Inspired by the heat kernel proof of the Atiyah-Singer index theorem, I'll explain how to describe K-homology (i.e. the dual theory to Atiyah-Hirzebruch K-theory) in terms of parametrized families of operators on L^2(X) that get more and more 'local' in X as time tends to infinity.

I'll then switch perspectives from C(X) -- the prototypical example of a commutative C*-algebra -- to noncommutative C*-algebras coming from discrete groups, and explain how the underlying large-scale geometry of the groups can give rise to approximate 'decompositions' of the C*-algebras.  I'll then explain how to use these decompositions and localization in the sense above to compute K-homology, and the connection to some conjectures in topology, geometry, and C*-algebra theory.

Mon, 08 Jun 2009

Decomposition complexity of metric spaces

Eric Guenter

I shall describe the notion of finite decomposition complexity (FDC), introduced in joint work with Romain Tessera and Guoliang Yu on the Novikov and related conjectures. The talk will focus on the definition of FDC and examples of groups having FDC.

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