Thu, 23 Jan 2020

On groups definable in fields with commuting automorphisms

Kaisa Kangas
(Helsinki University)


We take a look at difference fields with several commuting automorphisms. The theory of difference fields with one distinguished automorphism has a model companion known as ACFA, which Zoe Chatzidakis and Ehud Hrushovski have studied in depth. However, Hrushovski has proved that if you look at fields with two or more commuting automorphisms, then the existentially closed models of the theory do not form a first order model class. We introduce a non-elementary framework for studying them. We then discuss how to generalise a result of Kowalski and Pillay that every definable group (in ACFA) virtually embeds into an algebraic group. This is joint work in progress with Zoe Chatzidakis and Nick Ramsey.

Mon, 13 May 2013

15:45 - 16:45
Oxford-Man Institute

Random conformally invariant curves and quantum group techniques

(Helsinki University)

In this talk we consider two questions about conformally invariant random curves known as Schramm-Loewner evolutions (SLE). The first question is about the "boundary zig-zags", i.e. the probabilities for a chordal SLE to pass through small neighborhoods of given boundary points in a given order. The second question is that of obtaining explicit descriptions of "multiple SLE pure geometries", i.e. those extremal multiple SLE probability measures which can not be expressed as non-trivial convex combinations of other multiple SLEs. For both problems one needs to find solutions of a system of partial differential equations with asymptotics conditions written recursively in terms of solution of the same problem with a smaller number of variables. We present a general correspondence, which translates these problems to linear systems of equations in finite dimensional representations of the quantum group U_q(sl_2), and we then explicitly solve these systems. The talk is based on joint works with Eveliina Peltola (Helsinki), and with Niko Jokela (Santiago de Compostela) and Matti Järvinen (Crete).

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