Thu, 16 May 2024

17:00 - 18:00

Some model theory of Quadratic Geometries

Charlotte Kestner
(Imperial College London)
I will introduce the theories of orthogonal spaces and quadratic geometries over infinite fields, giving some background on Lie coordinatisable structures, and bilinear forms over infinite fields. I will then go on to explain the quantifier elimination for these structures, and discuss the axiomatisation of their pseudo-finite completions and model companions.  This is joint work in progress with Nick Ramsey.


Tue, 07 May 2024

14:30 - 15:00

The application of orthogonal fractional polynomials on fractional integral equations

Tianyi Pu
(Imperial College London)

We present a spectral method that converges exponentially for a variety of fractional integral equations on a closed interval. The method uses an orthogonal fractional polynomial basis that is obtained from an appropriate change of variable in classical Jacobi polynomials. For a problem arising from time-fractional heat and wave equations, we elaborate the complexities of three spectral methods, among which our method is the most performant due to its superior stability. We present algorithms for building the fractional integral operators, which are applied to the orthogonal fractional polynomial basis as matrices. 

Mon, 04 Mar 2024

Significance of rank zero Donaldson-Thomas (DT) invariants in curve counting theories

Sohelya Feyzbakhsh
(Imperial College London)
Fix a Calabi-Yau 3-fold X of Picard rank one satisfying the Bogomolov-Gieseker conjecture of Bayer-Macrì-Toda, such as the quintic 3-fold. I will first describe two methods to achieve explicit formulae relating rank zero Donaldson-Thomas (DT) invariants to Pandharipande-Thomas (PT) invariants using wall-crossing with respect to weak Bridgeland stability conditions on X. As applications, I will find sharp Castelnuovo-type bounds for PT invariants and explain how combining these explicit formulas with S-duality in physics enlarges the known table of Gopakumar-Vafa (GV) invariants. The second part is joint work with string theorists Sergei Alexandrov, Albrecht Klemm, Boris Pioline, and Thorsten Schimannek.
Wed, 21 Feb 2024

14:00 - 15:00
Lecture Theatre 2, Mathematical Institute, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Woodstock Road, OX2 6GG

Classical density-functional theory: from formulation to nanofluidics to machine learning

Serafim Kalliadasis
(Imperial College London)
Further Information

This is an Oxford Solid Mechanics and Mathematics Joint Seminar


We review progress made by our group on soft matter at interfaces and related physics from the nano- to macroscopic lengthscales. Specifically, to capture nanoscale properties very close to interfaces and to establish a link to the macroscale behaviour, we employ elements from the statistical mechanics of classical fluids, namely density-functional theory (DFT). We formulate a new and general dynamic DFT that carefully and systematically accounts for the fundamental elements of any classical fluid and soft matter system, a crucial step towards the accurate and predictive modelling of physically relevant systems. In a certain limit, our DDFT reduces to a non-local Navier-Stokes-like equation that we refer to as hydrodynamic DDFT: an inherently multiscale model, bridging the micro- to the macroscale, and retaining the relevant fundamental microscopic information (fluid temperature, fluid-fluid and wall-fluid interactions) at the macroscopic level.


Work analysing the moving contact line in both equilibrium and dynamics will be presented. This has been a longstanding problem for fluid dynamics with a major challenge being its multiscale nature, whereby nanoscale phenomena manifest themselves at the macroscale. A key property captured by DFT at equilibrium, is the fluid layering on the wall-fluid interface, amplified as the contact angle decreases. DFT also allows us to unravel novel phase transitions of fluids in confinement. In dynamics, hydrodynamic DDFT allows us to benchmark existing phenomenological models and reproduce some of their key ingredients. But its multiscale nature also allows us to unravel the underlying physics of moving contact lines, not possible with any of the previous approaches, and indeed show that the physics is much more intricate than the previous models suggest.


We will close with recent efforts on machine learning and DFT. In particular, the development of a novel data-driven physics-informed framework for the solution of the inverse problem of statistical mechanics: given experimental data on the collective motion of a classical many-body system, obtain the state functions, such as free-energy functionals.

Tue, 14 Nov 2023

16:00 - 17:00

Percolation phase transition for the vacant set of random walk

Pierre-François Rodriguez
(Imperial College London)

The vacant set of the random walk on the torus undergoes a percolation phase transition at Poissonian timescales in dimensions 3 and higher. The talk will review this phenomenon and discuss recent progress regarding the nature of the transition, both for this model and its infinite-volume limit, the vacant set of random interlacements, introduced by Sznitman in Ann. Math., 171 (2010), 2039–2087. The discussion will lead up to recent progress regarding the long purported equality of several critical parameters naturally associated to the transition. 


Mon, 13 Nov 2023

Floer theory and cobordism classes of exact Lagrangians

Noah Porcelli
(Imperial College London)

We apply recent ideas in Floer homotopy theory to some questions in symplectic topology. We show that Floer homology can detect smooth structures of certain Lagrangians, as well as using this to find restrictions on symplectic mapping class groups. This is based on joint work-in-progress with Ivan Smith.

Thu, 02 Feb 2023

The Wiles-Lenstra-Diamond numerical criterion over imaginary quadratic fields

Jeff Manning
(Imperial College London)

Wiles' modularity lifting theorem was the central argument in his proof of modularity of (semistable) elliptic curves over Q, and hence of Fermat's Last Theorem. His proof relied on two key components: his "patching" argument (developed in collaboration with Taylor) and his numerical isomorphism criterion.

In the time since Wiles' proof, the patching argument has been generalized extensively to prove a wide variety of modularity lifting results. In particular Calegari and Geraghty have found a way to generalize it to prove potential modularity of elliptic curves over imaginary quadratic fields (contingent on some standard conjectures). The numerical criterion on the other hand has proved far more difficult to generalize, although in situations where it can be used it can prove stronger results than what can be proven purely via patching.

In this talk I will present joint work with Srikanth Iyengar and Chandrashekhar Khare which proves a generalization of the numerical criterion to the context considered by Calegari and Geraghty (and contingent on the same conjectures). This allows us to prove integral "R=T" theorems at non-minimal levels over imaginary quadratic fields, which are inaccessible by Calegari and Geraghty's method. The results provide new evidence in favor of a torsion analog of the classical Langlands correspondence.

Thu, 01 Dec 2022

Particle filters for Data Assimilation

Dan Crisan
(Imperial College London)

Note: we would recommend to join the meeting using the Teams client for best user experience.

Further Information

Modern Data Assimilation (DA) can be traced back to the sixties and owes a lot to earlier developments in linear filtering theory. Since then, DA has evolved independently of Filtering Theory. To-date it is a massively important area of research due to its many applications in meteorology, ocean prediction, hydrology, oil reservoir exploration, etc. The field has been largely driven by practitioners, however in recent years an increasing body of theoretical work has been devoted to it. In this talk, In my talk, I will advocate the interpretation of DA through the language of stochastic filtering. This interpretation allows us to make use of advanced particle filters to produce rigorously validated DA methodologies. I will present a particle filter that incorporates three additional add-on procedures: nudging, tempering and jittering. The particle filter is tested on a two-layer quasi-geostrophic model with O(10^6) degrees of freedom out of which only a minute fraction are noisily observed.

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