Tue, 03 Mar 2020

Amenability, paradoxicality and uniform Roe algebras.

Fernando Lledo

There is a classical mathematical theorem (due to Banach and Tarski) that implies the following shocking statement: An orange can be divided into finitely many pieces, these pieces can be rotated and rearranged in such a way to yield two oranges of the same size as the original one. In 1929 J.~von Neumann recognizes that one of the reasons underlying the Banach-Tarski paradox is the fact that on the unit ball there is an action of a discrete subgroup of isometries that fails to have the property of amenability ("Mittelbarkeit" in German).

In this talk we will address more recent developments in relation to the dichotomy amenability vs. existence of paradoxical decompositions in different mathematical situations like, e.g., for metric spaces, for algebras and operator algebras. We will present a result unifying all these approaches in terms of a class of C*-algebras, the so-called uniform Roe algebras.

P. Ara, K. Li, F. Lledó and J. Wu, Amenability of coarse spaces and K-algebras , Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences 8 (2018) 257-306;
P. Ara, K. Li, F. Lledó and J. Wu, Amenability and uniform Roe algebras, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 459 (2018) 686-716;

Thu, 16 May 2019

The least doubling constant of a metric measure space

Pedro Tradacete
Further Information

ABSTRACT: Given a metric measure space $(X,d,\mu)$, its doubling constant is given by
C_\mu=\sup_{x\in X, r>0} \frac{\mu(B(x,2r))}{\mu(B(x,r))},
where $B(x,r)$ denotes the open ball of radius $r$ centered at $x$. Clearly, $C_\mu\geq1$, and in the case $X$ reduces to a singleton $C_\mu=1$. One might think that for a metric space with more than one point, the constant $C_\mu$ could be very close to one. However, we will show that in general $C_\mu\geq2$. The talk is based on a joint work with Javier Soria (Barcelona).

Fri, 11 May 2018

15:00 - 16:30

Kolam: An Ephemeral Women's Art of South India

Claudia Silva & Oscar Garcia-Prada

Oscar García-Prada - The Mathematics of Kolam

In Tamil Nadu, a state in southern India, it is an old tradition to decorate the entrance to the home with a geometric figure called ``Kolam''. A kolam is a geometrical line drawing composed of curved loops, drawn around a grid pattern of dots. This is typically done by women using white rice flour. Kolams have connections to discrete mathematics, number theory, abstract algebra, sequences, fractals and computer science. After reviewing a bit of its history, Oscar will explore some of these connections. 

Claudia Silva - Kolam: An Ephemeral Women´s art of South India

Kolam is a street drawing, performed by women in south India. This daily ritual of "putting" the kolam on the ground represents a time of intimacy, concentration and creativity. Through some videos, Claudia will explain some basic features of kolam, focusing on anthropological, religious, educational and artistic aspects of this beautiful female art expression.

The lectures are accompanied by a photography exhibition at Wolfson College.

Tue, 05 Nov 2013

Finite p-groups with small automorphism group

Andrei Jaikin-Zapirain

I will review several known problems on the automorphism group of finite $p$-groups and present a sketch of the proof of the the following result obtained jointly with Jon Gonz\'alez-S\'anchez:

For each prime $p$ we construct a family $\{G_i\}$ of finite $p$-groups such that $|Aut (G_i)|/|G_i|$ goes to $0$, as $i$ goes to infinity. This disproves a well-known conjecture that $|G|$ divides $|Aut(G)|$ for every non-abelian finite $p$-group $G$.

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