Fri, 18 Nov 2016

13:00 - 14:00

Second Year DPhil Student Talks

Zhenru Wang and Vadim Kaushansky
(Mathematical Institute)

Zhenru Wang
Title: Multi-Index Monte Carlo Estimators for a Class of Zakai SPDEs
We first propose a space-time Multi-Index Monte Carlo (MIMC) estimator for a one-dimensional parabolic SPDE of Zakai type. We compare the computational cost required for a prescribed accuracy with the Multilevel Monte Carlo (MLMC) method of Giles and Reisinger (2012). Then we extend the estimator to a two-dimensional variant of SPDE. The theoretical analysis shows the benefit of using MIMC in high dimensional problems over MLMC methods. Numerical tests confirm these finding empirically.

Vadim Kaushansky
Title: An extended structural default model with jump risk
We consider a structural default model in an interconnected banking network as in Itkin and Lipton (2015), where there are mutual obligations between each pair of banks. We analyse the model numerically for the case of two banks with jumps in their asset value processes. Specifically, we develop a finite difference method for the resulting two-dimensional partial integro-differential equation, and study its stability and consistency. By applying this method, we compute joint and marginal survival probabilities, as well as prices of credit default swaps (CDS) and first-to-default swaps (FTD), Credit and Debt Value Adjustments (CVA and DVA).


Fri, 04 Nov 2016

13:00 - 14:00

Optimal Transport in general dimensions with various additional constraints

Tongseok Lim
(Mathematical Institute)

We will introduce variants of the optimal transport problem, namely martingale optimal transport problem and subharmonic martingale transport problem. Their motivation is partly from mathematical finance. We will see that in dimension greater than one, the additional constraints imply interesting and deep mathematical subtlety on the attainment of dual problem, and it also affects heavily on the geometry of optimal solutions. If time permits, we will introduce still another variant of the martingale transport problem, called the multi-martingale optimal transport problem.

Fri, 21 Oct 2016

13:00 - 14:00

Data driven nonlinear expectations for statistical robustness

Sam Cohen
(Mathematical Institute)

In practice, stochastic decision problems are often based on statistical estimates of probabilities. We all know that statistical error may be significant, but it is often not so clear how to incorporate it into our decision making. In this informal talk, we will look at one approach to this problem, based on the theory of nonlinear expectations. We will consider the large-sample theory of these estimators, and also connections to `robust statistics' in the sense of Huber.

Tue, 18 Oct 2016


Nick Trefethen
(Mathematical Institute)

I will discuss some of the relationships between ODE IVPs, usually solved by marching, and ODE BVPs, usually solved by global discretizations.

Fri, 06 May 2016

10:00 - 11:00

Probabilistic Time Series Forecasting: Challenges and Opportunities

Siddharth Arora
(Mathematical Institute)

Over the years, nonlinear and nonparametric models have attracted a great deal of attention. This is mainly due to the fact that most time series arising from the real-world exhibit nonlinear behavior, whereas nonparametric models, in principle, do not make strong prior assumptions about the true functional form of the underlying data generating process.


In this workshop, we will focus on the use of nonlinear and nonparametric modelling approaches for time series forecasting, and discuss the need and implications of accurate forecasts for informed policy and decision-making. Crucially, we will discuss some of the major challenges (and potential solutions) in probabilistic time series forecasting, with emphasis on: (1) Modelling in the presence of regime shifts, (2) Effect of model over-fitting on out-of-sample forecast accuracy, and, (3) Importance of using naïve benchmarks and different performance scores for model comparison. We will discuss the applications of different modelling approaches for: Macroeconomics (US GNP), Energy (electricity consumption recorded via smart meters), and Healthcare (remote detection of disease symptoms).

Thu, 05 Jun 2014

14:00 - 16:00

Motivic L-functions

Prof. Minhyong Kim
(Mathematical Institute)

This talk will be a brief introduction to some standard conjectures surrounding motivic L-functions, which might be viewed as the arithmetic motivation for Langlands reciprocity.

Thu, 11 Jun 2009
DH 3rd floor SR

Function Morphology

Laura Campbell
(Mathematical Institute)
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