Mon, 15 Jun 2009

The Blob Complex

Kevin Walker

We define a chain complex B_*(C, M) (the "blob complex") associated to an n-category C and an n-manifold M. This is in some sense the derived category version of a TQFT. Various special cases of the blob complex are

familiar: (a) if M = S^1, then the blob complex is homotopy equivalent to the Hochschild complex of the 1-category C; (b) for * = 0, H_0 of the blob complex is the Hilbert space of the TQFT based on C; (c) if C is a commutative polynomial ring (viewed as an n-category), then the blob complex is homotopy equivalent to singular chains on the configuration (Dold-Thom) space of M. The blob complex enjoys various nice formal properties, including a higher dimensional generalization of the Deligne conjecture for Hochschild cohomology.

If time allows I will discuss applications to contact structures on 3-manifolds and Khovanov homology for links in the boundaries of 4-manifolds. This is joint work with Scott Morrison.

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