Thu, 08 Mar 2012

12:30 - 13:30
Gibson 1st Floor SR

Dynamics for an evolution equation describing micro phase separation

Yoshihito Oshita
(Okayama University)

We study the mean-field models describing the evolution of distributions of particle radii obtained by taking the small volume fraction limit of the free boundary problem describing the micro phase separation of diblock copolymer melts, where micro phase separation consists of an ensemble of small balls of one component. In the dilute case, we identify all the steady states and show the convergence of solutions.

Next we study the dynamics for a free boundary problem in two dimension, obtained as a gradient flow of Ohta- Kawasaki free energy, in the case that one component is a distorted disk with a small volume fraction. We show the existence of solutions that a small, almost circular interface moves along a curve determined via a Green’s function of the domain. This talk is partly based on a joint work with Xiaofeng Ren.

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