Tue, 23 Jan 2024

14:00 - 14:30

Scalable Gaussian Process Regression with Quadrature-based Features

Paz Fink Shustin

Gaussian processes provide a powerful probabilistic kernel learning framework, which allows high-quality nonparametric learning via methods such as Gaussian process regression. Nevertheless, its learning phase requires unrealistic massive computations for large datasets. In this talk, we present a quadrature-based approach for scaling up Gaussian process regression via a low-rank approximation of the kernel matrix. The low-rank structure is utilized to achieve effective hyperparameter learning, training, and prediction. Our Gauss-Legendre features method is inspired by the well-known random Fourier features approach, which also builds low-rank approximations via numerical integration. However, our method is capable of generating high-quality kernel approximation using a number of features that is poly-logarithmic in the number of training points, while similar guarantees will require an amount that is at the very least linear in the number of training points when using random Fourier features. The utility of our method for learning with low-dimensional datasets is demonstrated using numerical experiments.

Tue, 24 Oct 2023

14:30 - 15:00

Redefining the finite element

India Marsden

The Ciarlet definition of a finite element has been used for many years to describe the requisite parts of a finite element. In that time, finite element theory and implementation have both developed and improved, which has left scope for a redefinition of the concept of a finite element. In this redefinition, we look to encapsulate some of the assumptions that have historically been required to complete Ciarlet’s definition, as well as incorporate more information, in particular relating to the symmetries of finite elements, using concepts from Group Theory. This talk will present the machinery of the proposed new definition, discuss its features and provide some examples of commonly used elements.

Mon, 09 Oct 2023

How homotopy theory helps to classify algebraic vector bundles

Mura Yakerson

Classically, topological vector bundles are classified by homotopy classes of maps into infinite Grassmannians. This allows us to study topological vector bundles using obstruction theory: we can detect whether a vector bundle has a trivial subbundle by means of cohomological invariants. In the context of algebraic geometry, one can ask whether algebraic vector bundles over smooth affine varieties can be classified in a similar way. Recent advances in motivic homotopy theory give a positive answer, at least over an algebraically closed base field. Moreover, the behaviour of vector bundles over general base fields has surprising connections with the theory of quadratic forms.

Mon, 20 Nov 2023

A theory of type B/C/D enumerative invariants

Chenjing Bu

We propose a theory of enumerative invariants for structure groups of type B/C/D, that is, for the orthogonal and symplectic groups. For example, we count orthogonal or symplectic principal bundles on projective varieties, and there is also a quiver analogue called self-dual quiver representations. We discuss two different flavours of these invariants, namely, motivic invariants and homological invariants, the former of which can be used to define Donaldson–Thomas invariants in type B/C/D. We also discuss algebraic structures arising from the relevant moduli spaces, including Hall algebras, Joyce's vertex algebras, and modules for these algebras, which are used to write down wall-crossing formulae for our invariants.

Mon, 16 Oct 2023

Vertex algebras from divisors on Calabi-Yau threefolds

Dylan Butson

We construct vertex algebras associated to divisors $S$ in toric Calabi-Yau threefolds $Y$, satisfying conjectures of Gaiotto-Rapcak and Feigin-Gukov, and in particular such that the characters of these algebras are given by a local analogue of the Vafa-Witten partition function of the underlying reduced subvariety $S^{red}$. These results are part of a broader program to establish a dictionary between the enumerative geometry of coherent sheaves on surfaces and Calabi-Yau threefolds, and the representation theory of vertex algebras and affine Yangian-type quantum groups.

Tue, 23 Jan 2024

The Bethe-Gauge Correspondence for Superspin Chains

Faroogh Moosavian

The Bethe-Gauge Correspondence (BGC) of Nekrasov and Shatashvili, linking quantum integrable spin chains to two-dimensional supersymmetric gauge theories with N=2 supersymmetry, stands out as a significant instance of the deep connection between supersymmetric gauge theories and integrable models. In this talk, I will delve into this correspondence and its origins for superspin chains. To achieve this, I will first elucidate the Bethe Side and its corresponding Gauge Side of the BGC. Subsequently, it becomes evident that the BGC can be naturally realized within String Theory. I will initially outline the brane configuration for the realization of the Gauge Side. Through the use of string dualities, this brane configuration will be mapped to another, embodying the Bethe Side of the correspondence. The 4D Chern-Simons theory plays a crucial role in this latter duality frame, elucidating the integrability of the Bethe Side. Lastly, I will elaborate on computing the main object of interest for integrable superspin chains—the R-matrix—from the BGC. While this provides a rather comprehensive picture of the correspondence, some important questions remain for further clarification. I will summarize some of the most interesting ones at the end of the talk.


Tue, 14 Nov 2023

Carrollian perspective on celestial holography

Romain Ruzziconi

I will review some aspects of gravity in asymptotically flat spacetime and mention important challenges to obtain a holographic description in this framework. I will then present two important approaches towards flat space holography, namely Carrollian and celestial holography, and explain how they are related to each other. Similarities and differences between flat and anti-de Sitter spacetimes will be emphasized throughout the talk. 

Tue, 07 Nov 2023

3D gravity, Virasoro TQFT, and ensembles of approximate CFT’s

Gabriel Wong

Recent progress in AdS/CFT has provided a good understanding of how the bulk spacetime is encoded in the entanglement structure of the boundary CFT. However, little is known about how spacetime emerges directly from the bulk quantum theory. We address this question in AdS3 pure gravity, which we formulate as a topological quantum field theory. We explain how gravitational entropy can be viewed as bulk entanglement entropy of gravitational edge modes.  These edge modes transform under a quantum group symmetry. This suggests an effective description of bulk microstates in terms of collective, anyonic degrees of freedom whose entanglement leads to the emergence of the bulk spacetime.  Time permitting we will discuss a proposal for how our bulk TQFT arises from an ensemble of approximate CFT’s, generalizing the relation between JT gravity and random matrix ensemble.

Tue, 24 Oct 2023

Duality defects, anomalies and RG flows

Christian Copetti

We review the construction of non-invertible duality defects in various dimensions. We explain how they can be preserved along RG flows and how their realization on gapped phases contains their 't Hooft anomalies. We finally give a presentation of the anomalies from the Symmetry TFT. Time permitting I will discuss some possible future applications.

Mon, 24 Apr 2023

G2-Manifolds from 4d N = 1 Theories, Part I: Domain Walls

Evyatar Sabag

We propose new G2-holonomy manifolds, which geometrize the Gaiotto-Kim 4d N = 1 duality
domain walls of 5d N = 1 theories. These domain walls interpolate between different extended
Coulomb branch phases of a given 5d superconformal field theory. Our starting point is the
geometric realization of such a 5d superconformal field theory and its extended Coulomb
branch in terms of M-theory on a non-compact singular Calabi-Yau three-fold and its Kahler
cone. We construct the 7-manifold that realizes the domain wall in M-theory by fibering the
Calabi-Yau three-fold over a real line, whilst varying its Kahler parameters as prescribed by
the domain wall construction. In particular this requires the Calabi-Yau fiber to pass through
a canonical singularity at the locus of the domain wall. Due to the 4d N = 1 supersymmetry
that is preserved on the domain wall, we expect the resulting 7-manifold to have holonomy G2.
Indeed, for simple domain wall theories, this construction results in 7-manifolds, which are
known to admit torsion-free G2-holonomy metrics. We develop several generalizations to new
7-manifolds, which realize domain walls in 5d SQCD theories.

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