Thu, 09 Feb 2012

12:30 - 13:30
Gibson 1st Floor SR

On the scattered field generated by a ball inhomogeneity of constant index

Yves Capdeboscq
(OxPDE, University of Oxford)

 Consider the solution of a scalar Helmholtz equation where the potential (or index) takes two positive values, one inside a disk or a ball (when d=2 or 3) of radius epsilon and another one outside. For this classical problem, it is possible to derive sharp explicit estimates of the size of the scattered field caused by this inhomogeneity, for any frequencies and any contrast. We will see that uniform estimates with respect to frequency and contrast do not tend to zero with epsilon, because of a quasi-resonance phenomenon. However, broadband estimates can be derived: uniform bounds for the scattered field for any contrast, and any frequencies outside of a set which tends to zero with epsilon.

Thu, 02 Feb 2012

12:30 - 13:30
Gibson 1st Floor SR

Reduction on characteristics in the application to two regularity problems

Laura Caravenna
(OxPDE, University of Oxford)

In the talk I will mention two regularity results: the SBV regularity for strictly hyperbolic, genuinely nonlinear 1D systems of conservation laws and the characterization of intrinsic Lipschitz codimension 1 graphs in the Heisenberg groups. In both the contexts suitable scalar, 1D balance laws arise with very low regularity. I will in particular highlight the role of characteristics.

This seminar will be based on joint works with G. Alberti, S. Bianchini, F. Bigolin and F. Serra Cassano, and the main previous literature.

Thu, 20 May 2010

12:30 - 13:30
Gibson 1st Floor SR

Profile decompositions and applications to Navier-Stokes

Gabriel Koch
(OxPDE, University of Oxford)

In this talk, we describe new profile decompositions for bounded sequences in Banach spaces of functions defined on $\mathbb{R}^d$. In particular, for "critical spaces" of initial data for the Navier-Stokes equations, we show how these can give rise to new proofs of recent regularity theorems such as those found in the works of Escauriaza-Seregin-Sverak and Rusin-Sverak. We give an update on the state of the former and a new proof plus new results in the spirit of the latter. The new profile decompositions are constructed using wavelet theory following a method of Jaffard.

Thu, 28 Jan 2010

12:30 - 13:30
Gibson 1st Floor SR

Statistical Theories of Liquid Crystals: Onsager, Maier-Saupe and Beyond

François Genoud
(OxPDE, University of Oxford)
I will present in detail the celebrated theories of Onsager (1949) and Maier-Saupe (1958) explaining the phenomenon of long-range orientational order in nematic liquid crystals. The models are not rigorous from the mathematical viewpoint and my talk will stay at the formal level. If time permits, I will suggest directions towards a rigorous mean-field theory.
Wed, 11 Mar 2009

13:00 - 14:00
Gibson 1st Floor SR

Bifurcation and orbital stability of standing waves for some nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations

François Genoud
(OxPDE, University of Oxford)

The aim of my talk is to present the work of my PhD Thesis and my current research. It is concerned with local/global bifurcation of standing wave solutions to some nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations in $\mathbb{R}^N \ (N\geq1)$ and with stability properties of these solutions. The equations considered have a nonlinearity of the form $V(x)|\psi|^{p-1}\psi$, where $V:\mathbb{R}^N\to\mathbb{R}$ decays at infinity and is subject to various assumptions. In particular, $V$ could be singular at the origin.

Local/global smooth branches of solutions are obtained for the stationary equation by combining variational techniques and the implicit function theorem. The orbital stability of the corresponding standing waves is studied by means of the abstract theory of Grillakis, Shatah and Strauss.

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