Mon, 28 Jan 2008
Oxford-Man Institute

Brownian paths and Representation theory

Prof. Philippe Bougerol

Counting paths, or walks, is an important ingredient in the classical representation theory of compact groups. Using Brownian paths gives a new flexible and intuitive approach, which allows to extend some of this theory to the non- cristallographic case. This is joint work with P. Biane and N. O'Connell

Tue, 30 Oct 2007

Infinite locally random graphs

Pierre Charbit
The Rado Graph R is a graph on a countably infinite number of vertices that can be characterized by the following property: for every pair of finite, disjoint subsets of vertices X and Y, there exists a vertex that is adjacent to every vertex in X and none in Y. It is often called the Random Graph for the following reason: for any 0

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