Mon, 08 Jun 2015

Expanders and K-theory for group C* algebras

Paul Baum
(Pennsylvania State University)

*/ /*-->*/ Let G be a locally compact Hausdorff topological group. Examples are Lie groups, p-adic groups, adelic groups, and discrete groups. The BC (Baum-Connes) conjecture proposes an answer to the problem of calculating the K-theory of the convolution C* algebra of G. Validity of the conjecture has implications in several different areas of mathematics --- e.g. Novikov conjecture, Gromov-Lawson-Rosenberg conjecture, Dirac exhaustion of the discrete series, Kadison-Kaplansky conjecture. An expander is a sequence  of finite graphs which is efficiently connected. Any discrete group which contains an expander as a sub-graph of its Cayley graph is a counter-example to  the BC conjecture with coefficients. Such discrete groups have been constructed by Gromov-Arjantseva-Delzant and by Damian Osajda. This talk will indicate how to make a correction in BC with coefficients. There are no known counter-examples to the corrected conjecture, and all previously known confirming examples remain confirming examples.

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