Wed, 16 Feb 2022

14:00 - 15:00

Local operators of 4d N=2 gauge theories from the affine grasmmannian

Wenjun Niu
(UC Davis)

In this talk, I will explain how to obtain the space of local operators of a 4d N=2 gauge theory using the category of line operators in the Kapustin twist (holomorphic topological twist). This category is given a precise definition by Cautis-Williams, as the category of equivariant coherent sheaves on the space of Braverman-Finkelberg-Nakajima. We compute the derived endomorphism of the monoidal unit in this category, and show that it coincides with the vacuum module of the Poisson vertex algebra of Oh-Yagi and Butson. The Euler character of this space reproduces the Schur index. I will also explain how to obtain the space of local operators at the junction of minimal Wilson-t’Hooft line operators. Its Euler character can be compared to the index formula of Cordova-Gaiotto-Shao. This is based on arXiv: 2112.12164.

Mon, 03 May 2021

16:00 - 17:00

Simultaneous development of shocks and cusps for 2D compressible Euler from smooth initial data

Steve Shkoller
(UC Davis)

A fundamental question in fluid dynamics concerns the formation of discontinuous shock waves from smooth initial data. In previous works, we have established stable generic shock formation for the compressible Euler system, showing that at the first singularity the solution has precisely C^{1/3} Holder regularity, a so-called preshock. The focus of this talk is a complete space-time description of the solution after this initial singularity. We show that three surfaces of discontinuity emerge simultaneously and instantaneously from the preshock: the classical shock discontinuity that propagates by the Rankine–Hugoniot conditions, together with two distinct surfaces in space-time, along which C^{3/2} cusp singularities form.

Thu, 15 Oct 2020

Generalized Gaussian quadrature as a tool for discretizing singular integral equations

Jim Bremer
(UC Davis)


One of the standard methods for the solution of elliptic boundary value problems calls for reformulating them as systems of integral equations.  The integral operators that arise in this fashion typically have singular kernels, and, in many cases of interest, the solutions of these equations are themselves singular.  This makes the accurate discretization of the systems of integral equations arising from elliptic boundary value problems challenging.

Over the last decade, Generalized Gaussian quadrature rules, which are n-point quadrature rules that are exact for a collection of 2n functions, have emerged as one of the most effective tools for discretizing singular integral equations. Among other things, they have been used to accelerate the discretization of singular integral operators on curves, to enable the accurate discretization of singular integral operators on complex surfaces and to greatly reduce the cost of representing the (singular) solutions of integral equations given on planar domains with corners.

We will first briefly outline a standard method for the discretization of integral operators given on curves which is highly amenable to acceleration through generalized Gaussian quadratures. We will then describe a numerical procedure for the construction of Generalized Gaussian quadrature rules.

Much of this is joint work with Zydrunas Gimbutas (NIST Boulder) and Vladimir Rokhlin (Yale University).

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