Tue, 20 Jan 2009

14:30 - 15:30

Vertex Turan problems in the hypercube

John Talbot
Let $Q_n=\{0,1\}^n$ be the $n$-dimensional hypercube. For $1\leq d \leq n$ and $F\subseteq Q_d$ we consider the question of how large $S\subseteq Q _n$ can be if every embedding $i:Q_d\to Q_n$ satisfies $i(F)\not\subseteq S$. We determine the asymptotic behaviour of the largest $F$-free subsets of $Q_n$ for a variety of $F$, in particular we generalise the sole non-trivial prior result in this area: $F=Q_2$ due to E.A. Kostochka. Many natural questions remain open. This is joint work with Robert Johnson.
Thu, 05 Mar 2009

16:30 - 17:30

Free surface flows in the presence of electric fields

Jean-Marc Vanden-Broeck


(Coffee and Cakes in Gibson Meeting Room - opposite common room)

The effects of electric fields on nonlinear free surface flows are investigated. Both inviscid and Stokes flows are considered.

Fully nonlinear solutions are computed by boundary integral equation methods and weakly nonlinear solutions are obtained by using long wave asymptotics and lubrication theory. Effects of electric fields on the stability of the flows are discussed. In addition applications to coating flows are presented.

Mon, 28 Nov 2005
DH 3rd floor SR

Dyadic Parametrization of non-rectifiable curves

Professor Milne Anderson

Using the dyadic parametrization of curves, and elementary theorems and

probability theory, examples are constructed of domains having bad properties on

boundary sets of large Hausdorff dimension (joint work with F.D. Lesley).

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