Tue, 13 Nov 2018

15:45 - 16:45

On Cayley and Langlands type correspondences for Higgs bundles

Laura Schaposnik

The Hitchin fibration is a natural tool through which one can understand the moduli space of Higgs bundles and its interesting subspaces (branes). After reviewing the type of questions and methods considered in the area, we shall dedicate this talk to the study of certain branes which lie completely inside the singular fibres of the Hitchin fibrations. Through Cayley and Langlands type correspondences, we shall provide a geometric description of these objects, and consider the implications of our methods in the context of representation theory, Langlands duality, and within a more generic study of symmetries on moduli spaces.

Thu, 22 Nov 2007

Minimal definable sets in difference fields.

Alice Medvedev

I will speak about the Zilber trichotomy for weakly minimal difference varieties, and the definable structure on them.

A difference field is a field with a distinguished automorphism $\sigma$. Solution sets of systems of polynomial difference equations like

$3 x \sigma(x) +4x +\sigma^2(x) +17 =0$ are the quantifier-free definable subsets of difference fields. These \emph{difference varieties} are similar to varieties in algebraic geometry, except uglier, both from an algebraic and from a model-theoretic point of view.

ACFA, the model-companion of the theory of difference fields, is a supersimple theory whose minimal (i.e. U-rank $1$) types satisfy the Zilber's Trichotomy Conjecture that any non-trivial definable structure on the set of realizations of a minimal type $p$ must come from a definable one-based group or from a definable field. Every minimal type $p$ in ACFA contains a (weakly) minimal quantifier-free formula $\phi_p$, and often the difference variety defined by $\phi_p$ determines which case of the Zilber Trichotomy $p$ belongs to.

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