Thu, 28 May 2009

12:30 - 13:30
Gibson 1st Floor SR

The Cosserat Spectrum Theory of Elasticity

Xanthippi Markenscoff
(University of California, San Diego)

The Cosserat brothers’ ingenuous and powerful idea (presented in several papers in the Comptes Rendus at the turn of the 20th century) of solving elasticity problems by considering the homogeneous Navier equations as an eigenvalue problem is presented. The theory was taken up by Mikhlin in the 1970’s who rigorously studied it in the context of spectral analysis of pde’s, and who also presented a representation theorem for the solution of the boundary-value problems of displacement and traction in elasticity as a convergent series of the ( orthogonal and complete in the Sobolev space H1) Cosserat eigenfunctions. The feature of this representation is that the dependence of the solution on geometry, material constants and loading is provided explicitly. Recent work by the author and co-workers obtains the set of eigenfunctions for the spherical shell and compares them with the Cosserat expressions, and further explores applications and a new variational principle. In cases that the loading is orthogonal to some of the eigenfunctions, the form of the solution can be greatly simplified. Applications, in addition to elasticity theory, include thermoelasticity, poroelesticity, thermo-viscoelasticity, and incompressible Stokes flow; several examples are presented, with comparisons to known solutions, or new solutions.

Gibson 1st Floor SR


Xanthippi Markenscoff
(University of California, San Diego)
Tue, 13 May 2008

Existence of rough solutions to the Einstein constraint equations without CMC or near-CMC conditions

Michael Holst
(University of California, San Diego)

> There is currently tremendous interest in geometric PDE, due in part
> to the geometric flow program used successfully to attack the Poincare
> and Geometrization Conjectures.  Geometric PDE also play a primary
> role in general relativity, where the (constrained) Einstein evolution
> equations describe the propagation of gravitational waves generated by
> collisions of massive objects such as black holes.
> The need to validate this geometric PDE model of gravity has led to
> the recent construction of (very expensive) gravitational wave
> detectors, such as the NSF-funded LIGO project.  In this lecture, we
> consider the non-dynamical subset of the Einstein equations called the
> Einstein constraints; this coupled nonlinear elliptic system must be
> solved numerically to produce initial data for gravitational wave
> simulations, and to enforce the constraints during dynamical
> simulations, as needed for LIGO and other gravitational wave modeling efforts.
> The Einstein constraint equations have been studied intensively for
> half a century; our focus in this lecture is on a thirty-year-old open
> question involving existence of solutions to the constraint equations
> on space-like hyper-surfaces with arbitrarily prescribed mean
> extrinsic curvature.  All known existence results have involved
> assuming either constant (CMC) or nearly-constant (near-CMC) mean
> extrinsic curvature.
> After giving a survey of known CMC and near-CMC results through 2007,
> we outline a new topological fixed-point framework that is
> fundamentally free of both CMC and near-CMC conditions, resting on the
> construction of "global barriers" for the Hamiltonian constraint.  We
> then present such a barrier construction for case of closed manifolds
> with positive Yamabe metrics, giving the first known existence results
> for arbitrarily prescribed mean extrinsic curvature.  Our results are
> developed in the setting of a ``weak'' background metric, which
> requires building up a set of preliminary results on general Sobolev
> classes and elliptic operators on manifold with weak metrics. 
> However, this allows us to recover the recent ``rough'' CMC existence
> results of Choquet-Bruhat
> (2004) and of Maxwell (2004-2006) as two distinct limiting cases of
> our non-CMC results.  Our non-CMC results also extend to other cases
> such as compact manifolds with boundary.
> Time permitting, we also outline some new abstract approximation
> theory results using the weak solution theory framework for the
> constraints; an application of which gives a convergence proof for
> adaptive finite element methods applied to the Hamiltonian constraint.

This is joint work with Gabriel Nagy and Gantumur Tsogtgerel.


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