Mon, 21 Feb 2022

14:00 - 15:00

Why things don’t work — On the extended Smale's 9th and 18th problems (the limits of AI) and methodological barriers

Anders Hansen
(University of Cambridge)

The alchemists wanted to create gold, Hilbert wanted an algorithm to solve Diophantine equations, researchers want to make deep learning robust in AI, MATLAB wants (but fails) to detect when it provides wrong solutions to linear programs etc. Why does one not succeed in so many of these fundamental cases? The reason is typically methodological barriers. The history of  science is full of methodological barriers — reasons for why we never succeed in reaching certain goals. In many cases, this is due to the foundations of mathematics. We will present a new program on methodological barriers and foundations of mathematics,  where — in this talk — we will focus on two basic problems: (1) The instability problem in deep learning: Why do researchers fail to produce stable neural networks in basic classification and computer vision problems that can easily be handled by humans — when one can prove that there exist stable and accurate neural networks? Moreover, AI algorithms can typically not detect when they are wrong, which becomes a serious issue when striving to create trustworthy AI. The problem is more general, as for example MATLAB's linprog routine is incapable of certifying correct solutions of basic linear programs. Thus, we’ll address the following question: (2) Why are algorithms (in AI and computations in general) incapable of determining when they are wrong? These questions are deeply connected to the extended Smale’s 9th and 18th problems on the list of mathematical problems for the 21st century. 

Mon, 31 Jan 2022

15:30 - 16:30

Distribution dependent SDEs driven by additive continuous and fractional Brownian noise

(University of Cambridge)

Distribution dependent equations (or McKean—Vlasov equations) have found many applications to problems in physics, biology, economics, finance and computer science. Historically, equations with either Brownian noise or zero noise have received the most attention; many well known results can be found in the monographs by A. Sznitman and F. Golse. More recently, attention has been paid to distribution dependent equations driven by random continuous noise, in particular the recent works by M. Coghi, J-D. Deuschel, P. Friz & M. Maurelli, with applications to battery modelling. Furthermore, the phenomenon of regularisation by noise has received new attention following the works of D. Davie and M. Gubinelli & R. Catellier using techniques of averaging along rough trajectories. Building on these ideas I will present recent joint work with L. Galeati and F. Harang concerning well-posedness and stability results for distribution dependent equations driven first by merely continuous noise and secondly driven by fractional Brownian motion.


Fri, 26 Nov 2021

14:00 - 15:00

Extensions of Specht modules and p-ary designs

Liam Jolliffe
(University of Cambridge)

The Specht modules are of fundamental importance to the representation theory of the symmetric group, and their 0th cohomology is understood through entirely combinatorial methods due to Gordon James. Over fields of odd characteristic, Hemmer proposed a similar combinatorial approach to calculating their 1st degree cohomology, or extensions by the trivial module. This combinatorial approach motivates the definition of universal $p$-ary designs, which we shall classify. We then explore the consequences of this classification to problem of determining extensions of Specht modules. In particular, we classify all extensions of Specht modules indexed by two-part partitions by the trivial module and shall see some far-reaching conditions on when the first cohomology of a Specht module is trivial.

Wed, 17 Nov 2021

16:00 - 17:00

Cubulating groups acting on polygonal complexes

Calum Ashcroft
(University of Cambridge)

Given a group G acting on a CAT(0) polygonal complex, X, it is natural to ask whether the structure of X allows us to deduce properties of G. We discuss some recent work on local properties that X may possess which allow us to answer these questions - in many cases we can in fact deduce that the group is a linear group over Z.

Thu, 18 Nov 2021

Infinite-Dimensional Spectral Computations

Matt Colbrook
(University of Cambridge)

Computing spectral properties of operators is fundamental in the sciences, with applications in quantum mechanics, signal processing, fluid mechanics, dynamical systems, etc. However, the infinite-dimensional problem is infamously difficult (common difficulties include spectral pollution and dealing with continuous spectra). This talk introduces classes of practical resolvent-based algorithms that rigorously compute a zoo of spectral properties of operators on Hilbert spaces. We also discuss how these methods form part of a broader programme on the foundations of computation. The focus will be computing spectra with error control and spectral measures, for general discrete and differential operators. Analogous to eigenvalues and eigenvectors, these objects “diagonalise” operators in infinite dimensions through the spectral theorem. The first is computed by an algorithm that approximates resolvent norms. The second is computed by building convolutions of appropriate rational functions with the measure via the resolvent operator (solving shifted linear systems). The final part of the talk provides purely data-driven algorithms that compute the spectral properties of Koopman operators, with convergence guarantees, from snapshot data. Koopman operators “linearise” nonlinear dynamical systems, the price being a reduction to an infinite-dimensional spectral problem (c.f. “Koopmania”, describing their surge in popularity). The talk will end with applications of these new methods in several thousand state-space dimensions.

Fri, 29 Oct 2021

14:00 - 15:00

Design and control of biochemical reaction networks

Dr Tomislav Plesa
(University of Cambridge)

Many scientific questions in biology can be formulated as a direct problem:

given a biochemical system, can one deduce some of its properties? 

For example, one might be interested in deducing equilibria of a given intracellular network.  On the other hand, one might instead be interested in designing an intracellular network with specified equilibria. Such scientific tasks take the form of inverse problems:
given a property, can one design a biochemical system that displays this property? 

Given a biochemical system, can one embed additional molecular species and reactions into the original system to control some of its properties?
These questions are at the heart of the emerging field of synthetic biology, where it has recently become possible to systematically realize dynamical systems using molecules.  Furthermore, addressing these questions for man-made synthetic systems may also shed light on how evolution has overcome similar challenges for natural systems.  In this talk, I will focus on the inverse problems, and outline some of the results and challenges which are important when biochemical systems are designed and controlled.

Fri, 07 May 2021

14:00 - 15:00

The Modular Representation Theory of the Temperley-Lieb Algebras

Robert Spencer
(University of Cambridge)

The Temperley-Lieb algebra is a diagrammatic algebra - defined on a basis of "string diagrams" with multiplication given by "joining the diagrams together".  It first arose as an algebra of operators in statistical mechanics but quickly found application in knot theory (where Jones used it to define his famed polynomial) and the representation theory of $sl_2$.  From the outset, the representation theory of the Temperley-Lieb algebra itself has been of interest from a physics viewpoint and in characteristic zero it is well understood.  In this talk we will explore the representation theory over mixed characteristic (i.e. over positive characteristic fields and specialised at a root of unity).  This gentle introduction will take the listener through the beautifully fractal-like structure of the algebras and their cell modules with plenty of examples.

Mon, 22 Feb 2021

The interplay between global and local anomalies

Joe Davighi
(University of Cambridge)

Chiral fermion anomalies in any spacetime dimension are computed by evaluating an eta-invariant on a closed manifold in one higher dimension. The APS index theorem then implies that both local and global gauge anomalies are detected by bordism invariants, each being classified by certain abelian groups that I will identify. Mathematically, these groups are connected via a short exact sequence that splits non-canonically. This enables one to relate global anomalies in one gauge theory to local anomalies in another, by which we revive (from the bordism perspective) an old idea of Elitzur and Nair for deriving global anomalies. As an example, I will show how the SU(2) anomaly in 4d can be derived from a local anomaly by embedding SU(2) in U(2).

Fri, 11 Dec 2020

14:00 - 15:00

Equivariant etale coverings of the Drinfeld half-plane

Amy Zhu
(University of Cambridge)

The Drinfeld half-plane is a rigid analytic variety over a p-adic field. In this talk, I will give an overview of the geometric aspects of this space and describe its connection with representation theory.

Fri, 06 Nov 2020

14:00 - 15:00

Some multiphase buoyancy driven flows in the environment : aerosols, ash and bubbles

Andy Woods
(University of Cambridge)

In this talk, I will present a series of new experimental data, supported by theoretical models, of the transport of ash, aerosols and bubbles in multiphase plumes rising through stratified environments, focussing on the structure of flow and the dispersal of the different phases. The models have relevance for the dispersal of volcanic ash in the atmosphere and ocean, the mixing of aerosols in buildings, and the fate of suspended sediment produced during deep sea mining. 

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