Mon, 12 Oct 2020

16:00 - 17:00

Hypoelliptic regularity methods for the estimation Lyapunov exponents and other long-time dynamical properties of stochastic differential equations

Jacob Bedrossian
(University of Maryland)

In the talk, we will discuss the connection between quantitative hypoelliptic PDE methods and the long-time dynamics of stochastic differential equations (SDEs). In a recent joint work with Alex Blumenthal and Sam Punshon-Smith, we put forward a new method for obtaining quantitative lower bounds on the top Lyapunov exponent of stochastic differential equations (SDEs). Our method combines (i) an (apparently new) identity connecting the top Lyapunov exponent to a degenerate Fisher information-like functional of the stationary density of the Markov process tracking tangent directions with (ii) a  quantitative version of Hörmander's hypoelliptic regularity theory in an L1 framework which estimates this (degenerate) Fisher information from below by a W^{s,1} Sobolev norm using the associated Kolmogorov equation for the stationary density. As an initial application, we prove the positivity of the top Lyapunov exponent for a class of weakly-dissipative, weakly forced SDE and we prove that this class includes the classical Lorenz 96 model in any dimension greater than 6, provided the additive stochastic driving is applied to any consecutive pair of modes. This is the first mathematically rigorous proof of chaos (in the sense of positive Lyapunov exponents) for Lorenz 96 and, more recently, for finite dimensional truncations of the shell models GOY and SABRA (stochastically driven or otherwise), despite the overwhelming numerical evidence. If time permits, I will also discuss joint work with Kyle Liss, in which we obtain sharp, quantitative estimates on the spectral gap of the Markov semigroups. In both of these works, obtaining various kinds of quantitative hypoelliptic regularity estimates that are uniform in certain parameters plays a pivotal role.  

Thu, 31 Oct 2019

16:00 - 17:30

Towards Simulating Cells of Higher Organisms from the Fundamental Physico-Chemical Principles

Prof. Garegin Papoian
(University of Maryland)

One of the key unsolved challenges at the interface of physical and life sciences is to formulate comprehensive computational modeling of cells of higher organisms that is based on microscopic molecular principles of chemistry and physics. Towards addressing this problem, we have developed a unique reactive mechanochemical force-field and software, called MEDYAN (Mechanochemical Dynamics of Active Networks:  MEDYAN integrates dynamics of multiple mutually interacting phases: 1) a spatially resolved solution phase is treated using a reaction-diffusion master equation; 2) a polymeric gel phase is both chemically reactive and also undergoes complex mechanical deformations; 3) flexible membrane boundaries interact mechanically and chemically with both solution and gel phases.  In this talk, I will first outline our recent progress in simulating multi-micron scale cytosolic/cytoskeletal dynamics at 1000 seconds timescale, and also highlight the outstanding challenges in bringing about the capability for routine molecular modeling of eukaryotic cells. I will also report on MEDYAN’s applications, in particular, on developing a theory of contractility of actomyosin networks and also characterizing dissipation in cytoskeletal dynamics. With regard to the latter, we devised a new algorithm for quantifying dissipation in cytoskeletal dynamics, finding that simulation trajectories of entropy production provide deep insights into structural evolution and self-organization of actin networks, uncovering earthquake-like processes of gradual stress accumulation followed by sudden rupture and subsequent network remodeling.

Thu, 13 Jun 2019

14:00 - 15:00

A structure-preserving finite element method for uniaxial nematic liquid crystals

Professor Ricardo Nochetto
(University of Maryland)

The Landau-DeGennes Q-model of uniaxial nematic liquid crystals seeks a rank-one

traceless tensor Q that minimizes a Frank-type energy plus a double well potential

that confines the eigenvalues of Q to lie between -1/2 and 1. We propose a finite

element method (FEM) which preserves this basic structure and satisfies a discrete

form of the fundamental energy estimates. We prove that the discrete problem Gamma

converges to the continuous one as the meshsize tends to zero, and propose a discrete

gradient flow to compute discrete minimizers. Numerical experiments confirm the ability

of the scheme to approximate configurations with half-integer defects, and to deal with

colloidal and electric field effects. This work, joint with J.P. Borthagaray and S.

Walker, builds on our previous work for the Ericksen's model which we review briefly.

Mon, 12 Jun 2017

14:15 - 15:15

Mapping Class Group Actions on Moduli Spaces and the Teichmueller Flow

Bill Goldman
(University of Maryland)

We describe a general program for the classification of flat connections on topological manifolds. This is motivated by the classification of locally homogeneous geometric structures on manifolds, in the spirit of Ehresmann and Thurston.  This leads to interesting dynamical systems arising from mapping class group actions on character varieties. The mapping class group action is a discrete version of a continuous object, namely the extension of the Teichmueller flow to a  unversal character variety over over the tangent bundle of Teichmuller space. We give several examples of this construction
and discuss joint work with Giovanni Forni on a mixing property of this suspended flow.

Mon, 16 Jun 2014

17:00 - 18:00

On a nonlinear model for tumor growth: Global in time weak solutions

Konstantina Trivisa
(University of Maryland)

We investigate the dynamics of a class of tumor growth

models known as mixed models. The key characteristic of these type of

tumor growth models is that the different populations of cells are

continuously present everywhere in the tumor at all times. In this

work we focus on the evolution of tumor growth in the presence of

proliferating, quiescent and dead cells as well as a nutrient.

The system is given by a multi-phase flow model and the tumor is

described as a growing continuum such that both the domain occupied by the tumor as well as its boundary evolve in time. Global-in-time weak solutions

are obtained using an approach based on penalization of the boundary

behavior, diffusion and viscosity in the weak formulation.

Further extensions will be discussed.

This is joint work with D. Donatelli.

Wed, 06 Jun 2012

10:15 - 11:15
OCCAM Common Room (RI2.28)

Mechano-chemical feedbacks govern stochastic dynamics of actin networks in eukaryotic cells

Garegin Papoian
(University of Maryland)

Actin polymerization in vivo is regulated spatially and temporally by a web of signalling proteins. We developed detailed physico-chemical, stochastic models of lamellipodia and filopodia, which are projected by eukaryotic cells during cell migration, and contain dynamically remodelling actin meshes and bundles. In a recent work we studied how molecular motors regulate growth dynamics of elongated organelles of living cells. We determined spatial distributions of motors in such organelles, corresponding to a basic scenario when motors only walk along the substrate, bind, unbind, and diffuse. We developed a mean field model, which quantitatively reproduces elaborate stochastic simulation results as well as provides a physical interpretation of experimentally observed distributions of Myosin IIIa in stereocilia and filopodia. The mean field model showed that the jamming of the walking motors is conspicuous, and therefore damps the active motor flux. However, when the motor distributions are coupled to the delivery of actin monomers towards the tip, even the concentration bump of G-actin that they create before they jam is enough to speed up the diffusion to allow for severalfold longer filopodia. We found that the concentration profile of G-actin along the filopodium is rather non-trivial, containing a narrow minimum near the base followed by a broad maximum. For efficient enough actin transport, this non-monotonous shape is expected to occur under a broad set of conditions. We also find that the stationary motor distribution is universal for the given set of model parameters regardless of the organelle length, which follows from the form of the kinetic equations and the boundary conditions.

Thu, 12 Oct 2000

14:00 - 15:00

Saddle point preconditioners for the Navier-Stokes equations

Prof Howard Elman
(University of Maryland)

We examine the convergence characteristics of iterative methods based

on a new preconditioning operator for solving the linear systems

arising from discretization and linearization of the Navier-Stokes

equations. With a combination of analytic and empirical results, we

study the effects of fundamental parameters on convergence. We

demonstrate that the preconditioned problem has an eigenvalue

distribution consisting of a tightly clustered set together with a

small number of outliers. The structure of these distributions is

independent of the discretization mesh size, but the cardinality of

the set of outliers increases slowly as the viscosity becomes smaller.

These characteristics are directly correlated with the convergence

properties of iterative solvers.

Fri, 28 Jan 2011
DH 1st floor SR

Capital Minimization as a Market Objective

Dr Dilip Madan
(University of Maryland)

The static two price economy of conic finance is first employed to

define capital, profit, and subsequently return and leverage. Examples

illustrate how profits are negative on claims taking exposure to loss

and positive on claims taking gain exposure. It is argued that though

markets do not have preferences or objectives of their own, competitive

pressures lead markets to become capital minimizers or leverage

maximizers. Yet within a static context one observes that hedging

strategies must then depart from delta hedging and incorporate gamma

adjustments. Finally these ideas are generalized to a dynamic context

where for dynamic conic finance, the bid and ask price sequences are

seen as nonlinear expectation operators associated with the solution of

particular backward stochastic difference equations (BSDE) solved in

discrete time at particular tenors leading to tenor specific or

equivalently liquidity contingent pricing. The drivers of the associated

BSDEs are exhibited in complete detail.

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