Fri, 02 Jun 2023

12:00 - 13:00

Complex representations of finite group of Lie type - inductive methods

Elena Collacciani
(University of Padova)

Finite groups of Lie type arise as the rational point over a finite field of a reductive linear algebraic group.

A standard technique to gain knowledge about representations of these groups and to classify them consist in detecting a suitable family of subgroups and building representations of the group by induction starting from the ones of the subgroups. The "classical" instance of this general idea Is the so called "Harish-Chandra theory", that is the study of representations by exploiting parabolic induction from Levi subgroups. Toward the end of last century,  Deligne and Lusztig developed an enhancement of this theory, constructing a new induction that allows to keep track of "twisted" object. 

My aim is to give an overview of some of the constructions involved and of the main results in these theories.

Tue, 07 Feb 2023

Bornological and condensed mathematics

Federico Bambozzi
(University of Padova)

I will explain how bornological and condensed structures can both be described as algebraic theories. I will also show how this permits the construction of functors between bornological and condensed structures. If time permits I will also briefly describe how to compare condensed derived geometry and bornological derived geometry and sketch how they relate to analytic geometry and Arakelov geometry

Tue, 02 Mar 2021

09:00 - 11:00

Mathematical Control Theory

Prof. Franco Rampazzo
(University of Padova)
Further Information

Please enrol at Doctoral Program page of the Dept. of Mathematics "T. Levi-Civita" of the University of Padova and select Prof. Rampazzo’s courses. Students are warmly invited to enrol via the link and Prof. Rampazzo will communicate with enrolled students prior to and during the lectures. 


Prof. Franco Rampazzo ‘Mathematical Control Theory’ (Department of Mathematics of the University of Padova, as part of Oxford Padova connection) TT 2021
Aimed at: Any DPhil students with interest in learning about Mathematical Control Theory
Course Length:     24 hours total (to be in English) 
Dates and Times:  starts 2 March 2021 

Mon, 11 May 2020

16:00 - 17:00

Lie brackets for non-smooth vector fields

Franco Rampazzo
(University of Padova)

For a given vector field $h$ on a manifold $M$ and an initial point $x \in M$, let $t \mapsto \exp th(x)$ denote the solution to the Cauchy problem $y' = h(y)$, $y(0) = x$. Given two vector fields $f$, $g$, the flows $\exp(tf)$, $\exp(tg)$ in general are not commutative. That is, it may happen that, for some initial point $x$,

$$\exp(-tg) \circ \exp(-tf) \circ \exp(tg) \circ \exp(tf) (x) ≠ x,$$

for small times $t ≠ 0$.

         As is well-known, the Lie bracket $[f,g] := Dg \cdot f - Df \cdot g$ measures the local non-commutativity of the flows. Indeed, one has (on any coordinate chart)

$$\exp(-tg) \circ \exp(-tf) \circ \exp(tg) \circ \exp(tf) (x) - x = t^2 [f,g](x) + o(t^2)$$

         The non-commutativity of vector fields lies at the basis of many nonlinear issues, like propagation of maxima for solutions of degenerate elliptic PDEs, controllability sufficient conditions in Nonlinear Control Theory, and higher order necessary conditions for optimal controls. The fundamental results concerning commutativity (e.g. Rashevski-Chow's Theorem, also known as Hörmander's full rank condition, or Frobenius Theorem) assume that the vector fields are smooth enough for the involved iterated Lie brackets to be well defined and continuous: for instance, if the bracket $[f,[g,h]]$ is to be used, one posits $g,h \in C^2$ and $f \in C^{1..}$.

         We propose a notion of (set-valued) Lie bracket (see [1]-[3]), through which we are able to extend some of the mentioned fundamental results to families of vector fields whose iterated brackets are just measurable and defined almost everywhere.



[1]  Rampazzo, F. and Sussmann, H., Set-valued differentials and a nonsmooth version of Chow’s Theorem (2001), Proceedings of the 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Orlando, Florida, 2001 (IEEE Publications, New York), pp. 2613-2618.

[2] Rampazzo F.  and Sussmann, H.J., Commutators of flow maps of nonsmooth vector fields (2007), Journal of Differential Equations, 232, pp. 134-175.

[3] Feleqi, E. and Rampazzo, F., Iterated Lie brackets for nonsmooth vector fields (2017), Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications NoDEA, 24-6.


Thu, 14 May 2015

12:00 - 13:00

On quantitative compactness estimates for hyperbolic conservation laws and Hamilton-Jacobi equations

Fabio Ancona
(University of Padova)
Inspired by a question posed by Lax, in recent years it has received  

an increasing attention the study of quantitative compactness  

estimates for the solution operator $S_t$, $t>0$ that associates to  

every given initial data $u_0$ the corresponding solution $S_t u_0$ of  

a conservation law or of a first order Hamilton-Jacobi equation.

Estimates of this type play a central roles in various areas of  

information theory and statistics as well as of ergodic and learning  

theory. In the present setting, this concept could provide a measure  

of the order of ``resolution'' of a numerical method for the  

corresponding equation.

In this talk we shall first review the results obtained in  

collaboration with O. Glass and K.T. Nguyen, concerning the  

compactness estimates for solutions to conservation laws. Next, we  

shall turn to the  analysis of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation pursued in  

collaboration with P. Cannarsa and K.T.~Nguyen.

Tue, 25 Sep 2012

16:45 - 17:25

Radius of convergence of $p$-adic connections and the Berkovich ramification locus

Francesco Baldassarri
(University of Padova)

We apply the theory of the radius of convergence of a $p$-adic connection to the special case of the direct image of the constant connection via a finite morphism of compact $p$-adic curves, smooth in the sense of rigid geometry. We show that a trivial lower bound for that radius implies a global form of Robert's $p$-adic Rolle theorem. The proof is based on a widely believed, although unpublished, result of simultaneous semistable reduction for finite morphisms of smooth $p$-adic curves. We also clarify the relation between the notion of radius of convergence used in our previous work and the more intrinsic one used by Kedlaya. (The paper is available at

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