Tue, 25 Feb 2020

A gallery model for affine flag varieties

Yusra Naqvi
(University of Sidney)

Positively folded galleries arise as images of retractions of buildings onto a fixed apartment and play a role in many areas of maths (such as in the study of affine Hecke algebras, Macdonald polynomials, MV-polytopes, and affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties). In this talk, we will define positively folded galleries, and then look at how these can be used to study affine flag varieties. We will also look at a new recursive description of the set of end alcoves of folded galleries with respect to alcove-induced orientations, which gives us a combinatorial description of certain double coset intersections in these affine flag varieties. This talk is based on joint work with Elizabeth Milićević, Petra Schwer and Anne Thomas.

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