Fri, 17 Feb 2012

10:00 - 11:15
DH 1st floor SR

Spectral Marine Energy Converter

Peter Roberts

A SMEC device is an array of aerofoil-shaped parallel hollow vanes forming linear venturis, perforated at the narrowest point where the vanes most nearly touch. When placed across a river or tidal flow, the water accelerates through the venturis between each pair of adjacent vanes and its pressure drops in accordance with Bernoulli’s Theorem. The low pressure zone draws a secondary flow out through the perforations in the adjacent hollow vanes which are all connected to a manifold at one end. The secondary flow enters the manifold through an axial flow turbine.

SMEC creates a small upstream head uplift of, say 1.5m – 2.5m, thereby converting some of the primary flow’s kinetic energy into potential energy. This head difference across the device drives around 80% of the flow between the vanes which can be seen to act as a no-moving-parts venturi pump, lowering the head on the back face of the turbine through which the other 20% of the flow is drawn. The head drop across this turbine, however, is amplified from, say, 2m up to, say, 8m. So SMEC is analogous to a step-up transformer, converting a high-volume low-pressure flow to a higher-pressure, lower-volume flow. It has all the same functional advantages of a step-up transformer and the inevitable transformer losses as well.

The key benefit is that a conventional turbine (or Archimedes Screw) designed to work efficiently at a 1.5m – 2.5m driving head has to be of very large diameter with a large step-up gearbox. In many real-World locations, this makes it too expensive or simply impractical, in shallow water for example.

The work we did in 2009-10 for DECC on a SMEC across the Severn Estuary concluded that compared to a conventional barrage, SMEC would output around 80% of the power at less than half the capital cost. Crucially, however, this greatly superior performance is achieved with minimal environmental impact as the tidal signal is preserved in the upstream lagoon, avoiding the severe damage to the feeding grounds of migratory birdlife that is an unwelcome characteristic of a conventional barrage.

To help successfully commercialise the technology, however, we will eventually want to build a reliable (CFD?) computer model of SMEC which even if partly parametric, would benefit hugely from an improved understanding of the small-scale turbulence and momentum transfer mechanisms in the mixing section.

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