Tue, 19 Feb 2008

Negative correlation inequalities for random cluster models

David Wagner
(Waterloo University)

The partition function of the random cluster model on a graph $G$ is also known as its Potts model partition function. (Only the points at which it is evaluated differ in the two models.) This is a multivariate generalization of the Tutte polynomial of $G$, and encodes a wealth of enumerative information about spanning trees and forests, connected spanning subgraphs, electrical properties, and so on.

An elementary property of electrical networks translates into the statement that any two distinct edges are negatively correlated if one picks a spanning tree uniformly at random. Grimmett and Winkler have conjectured the analogous correlation inequalities for random forests or random connected spanning subgraphs. I'll survey some recent related work, partial results, and more specific conjectures, without going into all the gory details.

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