Thu, 16 May 2002

14:00 - 15:00

A toolbox for optimal design

Dr Victor Pereyra
(Weidlinger Associates)

In the past few years we have developed some expertise in solving optimization

problems that involve large scale simulations in various areas of Computational

Geophysics and Engineering. We will discuss some of those applications here,

namely: inversion of seismic data, characterization of piezoelectrical crystals

material properties, optimal design of piezoelectrical transducers and

opto-electronic devices, and the optimal design of steel structures.



A common theme among these different applications is that the goal functional

is very expensive to evaluate, often, no derivatives are readily available, and

some times the dimensionality can be large.



Thus parallelism is a need, and when no derivatives are present, search type

methods have to be used for the optimization part. Additional difficulties can

be ill-conditioning and non-convexity, that leads to issues of global

optimization. Another area that has not been extensively explored in numerical

optimization and that is important in real applications is that of

multiobjective optimization.



As a result of these varied experiences we are currently designing a toolbox

to facilitate the rapid deployment of these techniques to other areas of

application with a minimum of retooling.

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