Tue, 02 Jul 2024

15:30 - 16:30
North Lecture Theatre, St John’s College Oxford

Tracial Classification of C*-algebras

Jorge Castillejos Lopez
(UNAM Mexico)

The classification of simple, unital, nuclear UCT C*-algebras with finite nuclear dimension can be achieved using an invariant derived from K-theory and tracial information. In this talk, I will present a classification theorem for certain classes of C*-algebras that rely solely on tracial deformations.  

Wed, 26 Nov 2014

Set functions.

Leobardo Fernández Román
(UNAM Mexico)
A continuum is a non-empty
compact connected metric space.
Given a continuum X let P(X) be the
power set of X. We define the following
set functions:
T:P(X) to P(X) given by, for each A in P(X),
T(A) = X \ { x in X : there is a continuum W
such that x is in Int(W) and W does not
intersect A}.
K:P(X) to P(X) given by, for each A in P(X)
K(A) = Intersection{ W : W is a subcontinuum
of X and A is in the interior of W}.
Also, it is possible to define the arcwise
connected version of these functions.
Given an arcwise connected continuum X:
Ta:P(X) to P(X) given by, for each A in P(X),
Ta(A) = X \ { x in X : there is an arcwise
connected continuum W such that x is in
Int(W) and W does not intersect A}.
Ka:P(X) to P(X) given by, for each A in P(X),
Ka(A) = Intersection{ W : W is an arcwise
connected subcontinuum of X and A is in
the interior of W}
Some properties, examples and relations
between these functions are going to be
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