Tue, 01 Mar 2016

15:45 - 16:45

Topological Fukaya category and homological mirror symmetry

Nicolo Sibilla
(UBC Vancouver)

The topological Fukaya category is a combinatorial model of the Fukaya category of exact symplectic manifolds which was first proposed by Kontsevich. In this talk I will explain work in progress (joint with J. Pascaleff and S. Scherotzke) on gluing techniques for the topological Fukaya category that are closely related to Viterbo functoriality. I will emphasize applications to homological mirror symmetry for three-dimensional CY LG models, and to Bondal's and Fang-Liu-Treumann-Zaslow's coherent constructible correspondence for toric varieties.  

Tue, 10 Nov 2015

15:45 - 16:45

The spectrum of the inertia operator on the motivic Hall algebra

Kai Behrend
(UBC Vancouver)

Following an idea of Bridgeland, we study the operator on the K-group of algebraic stacks, which takes a stack to its inertia stack.  We prove that the inertia operator is diagonalizable when restricted to nice enough stacks, including those with algebra stabilizers.  We use these results to prove a structure theorem for the motivic Hall algebra of a projective variety, and give a more conceptual definition of virtually indecomposable stack function.  This is joint work with Pooya Ronagh.

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