Thu, 11 Oct 2018

16:00 - 17:00

Polya’s Program for the Riemann Hypothesis and Related Problems

Ken Ono

In 1927 Polya proved that the Riemann Hypothesis is equivalent to the hyperbolicity of Jensen polynomials for Riemann’s Xi-function. This hyperbolicity has only been proved for degrees d=1, 2, 3. For each d we prove the hyperbolicity of all but (perhaps) finitely many Jensen polynomials. We obtain a general theorem which models such polynomials by Hermite polynomials. This theorem also allows us to prove a conjecture of Chen, Jia, and Wang on the partition function. This result can be thought of as a proof of GUE for the Riemann zeta function in derivative aspect. This is joint work with Michael Griffin, Larry Rolen, and Don Zagier.

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